
This is a TwitchBot that allows viewers to Backseat the streamer.

Primary LanguageJava



This is a TwitchBot that allows viewers to Backseat the streamer.

How to use

  • Install Java (17 preferred)
  • Download the latest release from Releases
  • Rename config.json.example to config.json
  • Edit the config.json file to your liking
  • Run the jar file with java -jar LeagueBackseat.jar
  • Get roasted by your Viewers


Command Description
!add <timestamp> <message> Adds a message to the queue.
!info Shows the message at the given timestamp.
!next Enters next session file.
!list <@user> Gets a number of how many Backseats the user has added in the current session.
!searchall <IndexID> Searches current Session for the given IndexID.
!searchuser <@user> <Keyword> Searches current Session for the given Keyword and User and returns every message with keyword from that user.

config.json explanation

JSON key and value Description
"prefix" : "prefixhere" Here you can set your prefix, for example if you wanna use ! or - at the beginning of the command.
"token" : "tokenhere" Here you need to enter the Twitch Token, the token can be created here.
"channel" : "channelhere" Here you need to enter the name of your Twitch channel that you are streaming on.
"admin" : "ur id here" Here you have to enter the ID of your Twitch account where you stream on. You can convert your Twitch Username to Twitch Channel ID here.
"secret" : "secret here" To receive the client secret you need to follow through this documentation from Twitch.
"clientid" : "client id here" To receive the client id you need to follow through this documentation from Twitch.
"obsscene" : "name here" Here you will have to enter the name of your scene in OBS.
"refreshtoken" : "refresh token here" Your refresh token will also be generated when you completed creating your token here.


  • Add a way for viewers to queue the messages from the textfile
  • Save in TxT and JSON to allow for the above
  • GUI? (prob not)
  • Clear file on command
  • Make multiple files possible on the same day
  • Folder for each day

