
Primary LanguageTypeScript

XDev: Project X for DevResults

This is a local-first application for internal use by DevResults staff.


After cloning this repo and installing VS Code recommended extensions:

yarn dev

This will start a local sync server, and run vite in parallel to build and launch the application with hot reloading after code changes.


Linking to local Automerge Repo codebase

Automerge Repo is an important dependency that is under active development and that we are contributing to. To link to a local copy of that codebase, you'll first need to run the following commands in the root directory of automerge-repo:

yarn workspace @automerge/automerge-repo link
yarn workspace @automerge/automerge-repo-storage-indexeddb link
yarn workspace @automerge/automerge-repo-react-hooks link
yarn workspace @automerge/automerge-repo-network-websocket link
yarn workspace @automerge/automerge-repo-network-messagechannel link

Then in the root directory of this repository, you can run yarn linklocal to link to your local code, and yarn unlinklocal to unlink and use the latest version published on npm.

After first cloning automerge-repo, and after any changes to that code, you'll need to run yarn build there (or yarn watch to have it rebuild automatically after changes).


The application and sync server are deployed to Azure and are available at xdev.devresults.com.

TODO details