
Utility routines for the CS Herbal code

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Utility routines for the CS Herbal code:

-- BHasher: Wrapper class for creating hashes of data. Wraps hash codes as Long, ULong, Mdjb2 (from OpenSimulator), MD5, SHA256, and SHA512 with a common API so the caller doesn't know the underlying implementation. -- BTimeSpan: a class function for timing a code section. -- Logger: a common logger wrapper. Implementations for console, NLog, and Log4Net. -- IParameters: a common structure for keeping key/value parameters -- ParamBlock: implmentation of key/value storage that has an IParameters interface -- ServiceParameters: another way of key/value parameter storage with an IParameters interface -- Util: useful functions: Clamp, RandomString