
ns3 implementation of epidemic routing protocol for the course of Peer to peer and Wireless Network @ DMI,UNICT

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a benchmark tool for the Epidemic routing protocol implemented using ns3.

Running using docker (recommended)

First of all pull the docker image:

docker pull ghcr.io/herbrant/epidemic-ns3:main

Then run the simulation with

docker run -t ghcr.io/herbrant/epidemic-ns3:main "--PrintHelp"

If you want to get the gnuplot's files created during the simulation, bind-mount an host's directory into the container at /gnuplot/

docker run -t -v <your-host-path>:/gnuplot/ ghcr.io/herbrant/epidemic-ns3:main




First, make sure you have already completed all the step required for the installation of the simulator shown here.

Then clone the repository in the scratch folder:

cd scratch
git clone https://github.com/Herbrant/epidemic-ns3.git

and build the project with

cd ..
./ns3 run "epidemic-benchmark --PrintHelp"


The following options are available:

Benchmark example shows epidemic routing scenario presented in the original paper.  There are 50 nodes in an area of 1500 m x 300 m. 45 nodes are selected to send a message of size 1KB to the other 44 nodes. The total messages are 45 * 44 = 1980 messages.  The size change after every iteration of the simulation from 0 to the maxQueueLength.  The ranges for the transmission are from 10 m to 250 m while the default is set to 50 m.

Program Options:
    --nWifis:                Number of "extra" Wifi nodes/devices [50]
    --appLogging:            Tell echo applications to log if true [false]
    --nodeSpeed:             Node speed in RandomWayPoint model [10]
    --packetSize:            The packet size [1024]
    --txpDistance:           Specify node's transmit range [50]
    --hopCount:              Specify number of hopCount [50]
    --maxQueueLength:        Specify number of maxQueueLength [200]
    --queueEntryExpireTime:  Specify queue Entry Expire Time [+16.6667min]
    --beaconInterval:        Specify beaconInterval [+5s]

General Arguments:
    --PrintGlobals:              Print the list of globals.
    --PrintGroups:               Print the list of groups.
    --PrintGroup=[group]:        Print all TypeIds of group.
    --PrintTypeIds:              Print all TypeIds.
    --PrintAttributes=[typeid]:  Print all attributes of typeid.
    --PrintVersion:              Print the ns-3 version.
    --PrintHelp:                 Print this help message.


Queue Length Benchmark

The QueueLengthBenchmark component allows to verify the relationship between the queue length and the packet loss. For this example I chose the following parameters:

  • maxQueueLength = 2000
  • queueStep = 5
  • TotalTime = 200

You can run it with

docker run -t ghcr.io/herbrant/epidemic-ns3:main "--hopCountBenchmark=false --maxQueueLength=2000 --queueStep=5"

The next step could be to fix the TotalTime to 400. In this case the packets have more time to propagate. For this reason, the following graph shows a less packet loss.

HopCount Benchmark

The HopCountBenchmark component allows to verify if there is a relationship between HopCount and packet loss. For this example I chose the following parameters:

  • maxHopCount = 50
  • hopCountStep = 1
  • TotalTime = 200

You can run it with

docker run -t ghcr.io/herbrant/epidemic-ns3:main "--queueLengthBenchmark=false --maxHopCount=50 --hopCountStep=1"

Furthermore we can repeat the experiment with TotalTime equals to 400 as we did before.
