
QBlockChain Mainnet setup and Validator delegate

Total Delegate : 43K



🟢 If you do not want to install mainnet. You can delegate your tokens to Hercules Validator.
🚀🚀🚀 To find out how to delegate Hercules Validator 🚀🚀🚀

🔽 If you want to install mainnet, follow the steps below. 🔽

Florian Drewes Medium

Medium Article

System requirements

  • Linux machine with SSH access;
  • Min. 1(v)Core (x86), 20 GB storage and 2 GB RAM;
  • Rec. 2(v)Cores (x86), 30 GB storage and 4 GB RAM;
  • Installed applications: docker, docker-compose, git (optional).

1️⃣ System update

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

2️⃣ Libraries install

apt install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release git htop

3️⃣ Docker Setup

curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
apt-get update
apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
docker version

4️⃣ Clone the repository

git clone https://gitlab.com/q-dev/mainnet-public-tools

5️⃣ Creating keystore Folder and pwd.txt File

cd mainnet-public-tools/validator/
mkdir keystore
  • Type the password you will use in your wallet here.
echo YOUR-PASSWORD > keystore/pwd.txt
  • Now we have created the keystore folder and our pwd.txt file. Now it's time to create a wallet.

  • " If you have a UTC file you have used before, put it into the keystore folder and do not do the wallet creation step. If you are going to create a new wallet, you need to do this step."

6️⃣ Creating a wallet

docker run --entrypoint="" --rm -v $PWD:/data -it qblockchain/q-client:1.2.3 geth account new --datadir=/data --password=/data/keystore/pwd.txt
  • If you get the following output after using this command, everything is fine. Your wallet has been created.


  • Write save your wallet address. Your Keystore folder should look like this.


7️⃣ Edit our .env file

cp .env.example .env
nano .env
  • Edit your .env file as shown in the picture.
  • do not write 0x at the beginning of your wallet address


8️⃣ Edit our docker-compose

"Important: this step is optional. Q team will give mainnet access key to validators which are in the rank 1 to 135"

nano docker-compose.yaml


  • To see your node on the statistics page, add the following code to your docker-compose file as shown in the image and save it.

  • Open a ticket on the Q Discord channel. Request the access key for the mainnet.


9️⃣ Edit our config.json

nano config.json
  • Enter your wallet address and password here. Do not put 0x at the beginning of your wallet address


🔟 Start our Node.

docker-compose up -d

11 - Log

docker-compose logs -f --tail "100"


12- let's fast synchronise our node.

  • Let's exit the log screen with ctrl + c.
  • Enter the following codes one by one.
docker-compose down && cd
rm -rf /var/lib/docker/volumes/validator_validator-node-data/_data/geth/chaindata
mkdir /var/lib/docker/volumes/validator_validator-node-data/_data/geth/chaindata
cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/validator_validator-node-data/_data/geth/chaindata

https://snapshots.stakecraft.com/ go to this address and copy the link shown in the picture.


wget -O - https://snapshots.stakecraft.com/q-mainnet_2023-04-11.tar | tar xf -
cd $HOME/mainnet-public-tools/validator/
docker-compose up -d

🟢 OmniBridge Setup

cd mainnet-public-tools
cd mainnet-public-tools/omnibridge-oracle
cp .env.mainnet .env
nano .env
  • edit and save the following places.

  • ORACLE_VALIDATOR_ADDRESS = type your validator wallet address

  • ORACLE_VALIDATOR_ADDRESS_PRIVATE_KEY = type the private key of your wallet address

  • COMMON_FOREIGN_RPC_URL = Get eth mainnet RPC from infura, blockpi, Alchemy, ankr or another provider.

docker-compose up -d

🟢 OmniBridge-UI Setup

cd ../omnibridge-ui
cp .env.mainnet .env
nano .env
  • edit and save the following places.

  • REACT_APP_FOREIGN_RPC_URL = Get eth mainnet RPC from infura, blockpi, Alchemy, ankr or another provider.

docker-compose up -d

🟢 Omnibridge-ALM Setup

cd ../omnibridge-alm
cp .env.mainnet .env
nano .env
  • edit and save the following places.

  • PORT = 8090 You can change the port address if you want.

  • COMMON_FOREIGN_RPC_URL = Get eth mainnet RPC from infura, blockpi, Alchemy, ankr or another provider.

docker-compose up -d

🟢 Validator Stake

  • After installing mainnet, you now need to do staking.
  • go to this address and connect your wallet. and click on the field in the picture and type the desired amount and confirm.




To enter the ranking after staking, go to this address and then press the Join validator Ranking button.

🟢 v1.3.1 Update


cd mainnet-public-tools/validator/
  • stop LOG with ctrl + c.


nano .env 
  • On the page that opens, type 1.3.0 in your .env file and save it with ctrl + X and yes.


3️⃣ download the update files.

docker-compose pull

4️⃣ start your node.

docker-compose up -d

5️⃣ check the logs.

docker-compose logs -f --tail "100"
  • Bingo
