GoogleMusicAPI.NodeJS an unofficial API for Google Play Music


allows control of Google Music <> with NodeJS.


  • GoogleClientLogin
  • restler
	var googlemusic = new GoogleMusic('', 'password');
	googlemusic.Login(function () {
		googlemusic.GetAllSongs('', function(result) {
			var length = result.length;
			var i;
			for (i=0 ; i<length ; i++) {
				console.log(result[i].title); // get title of all songs
		googlemusic.GetPlaylist('All', function(result) {
			var length = result.length;
			var i;
			for (i=0 ; i<length ; i++) {
				console.log(result[i].playListId); // get id of all playlists


  • GetStatus

    get basic inforamtion( total tracks, total albums, personolized ads :) )

  • GetAllSongs

    get all songs for Google Play, google play could respond with chunks, to receive with chunks get songs with continuationToken

  • GetPlaylist

    get playlist by id, or use "All" for getting all playlists

  • GetSongURL

    get song url, pass song id to this function

  • DeletePlaylist

    delete playlist, pass playlist id to this function

  • GetNewAndRecent

    get new and recent albums

  • GetMixEntries

    get mixed playlists