Middleware & Simple Auth

Problem 1

Build a logging system that tracks which PATH was accessed at which time.



GET /users/mo [Sat Jan 12 2019 01:18:43 GMT+0000 (UTC)]
PUT /users/mo [Sat Jan 12 2019 01:18:43 GMT+0000 (UTC)]

Use the following function to help you:

const fs = require('fs');

const appendToLogFile = (fileName, stringData) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  fs.appendFile(`./logs/${fileName}.txt`, `${stringData}\r\n`, (err) => {
  if (err) reject(err);

You will always probably will need to use the following:

  • req.originalUrl to get the current PATH
  • req.method to get the HTTP Method for the request

Problem 2

Build a middleware that checks if the user making the request is logged in or not. You will be using req.header to check the auth-token key in the header.

If user is logged off

Don't let user continue!

HTTP STATUS 401 // Client Not Authenticated

  "type": 401,
  "message": "Client Not Authenticated."

If user is logged in

Continue to whatever request!

Problem 3

Build a middleware that checks if the right user is making changes to their account. So for example, user mo should only be able to update the information for mo.

  • Before coding think about which routes need to be protected.
  • Think about what information do we have on the client that can help authenticate

If correct user

Carry on and let them continue

If user does not match

HTTP STATUS 403 // Access Denied

  "type": 403,
  "message": "Access denied at resource."