
Platform to import clients and find their geolocation

Primary LanguagePHP

Platform to import clients and find their geolocation

The main objective of this repository is to create a system where it is possible to register customers using a CSV file, and have their data updated with the google API, validating their address and searching for their Latitude and Longitude.


Para executar o sistema em modo de desenvolvimento:

  1. Copy the .env.example file to .env
  2. Edit the .env file to reflect your System Database configuration, Pusher Config and Gmaps Key
  3. Install composer dependencies: composer install
  4. Run the platform:
    1. Docker Mode
      1. Run docker-compose build
      2. Run docker-compose up
      3. Open your browser in http://localhost:8080
    2. Laravel Dev Mode
      1. Run php artisan Migrate
      2. Run php artisan serve
      3. Run php artisan queue:work
      4. Open your browser in http://localhost:8000


  • Import CSV
  • GMaps Integration (GeoCoding)
  • Bootstrap Layout
  • Docker + Docker Compose
  • Tables with Relationship
  • GeoCoding Asynchronous processing(Queues)
  • Update Events with WebSocket
  • Upload with Axios
  • Export of clients compatible with import
  • Import Clients from Command Line: php artisan create:clients './FilePath'
  • Remove individual clients
  • 100% tests coverage

CSV structure:

nome email datanasc cpf endereco cep
Cliente 1 teste1@teste.com 05/10/1993 123.456.789-01 "Av Paulista, 123 - Pinheiros – São Paulo" 01311-000
Cliente 2 teste2@teste.com 05/10/1992 123.456.789-01 "Avenida Dr. Gastão Vidigal, 1132 Sala 123 - Vila Leopoldina – São Paulo" 05314-010

Example (included in root folder):

Cliente 1,teste1@teste.com,05/10/1993,123.456.789-01,"Av Paulista, 123 - Pinheiros – São Paulo",01311-000
Cliente 2,teste2@teste.com,05/10/1992,123.456.789-09,"Avenida Dr. Gastão Vidigal, 1132 Sala 123 - Vila Leopoldina – São Paulo",05314-010
Cliente 3,teste3@teste.com,05/10/1991,123.456.789-17,"Rua Caçapava, 123 – Novo Riacho – Contagem",32285-030
Cliente 4,teste4@teste.com,05/10/1990,123.456.789-25,"Rua Rio Sacramento, 421 Bloco A, Apt 402 – Contagem",32280-470
Cliente 5,teste5@teste.com,05/10/1989,123.456.789-33,"R. Tubira, 88 - Novo Eldorado, Contagem",32340-460
Cliente 6,teste6@teste.com,05/10/1988,123.456.789-41,"Av. João César de Oliveira, 2859 - Eldorado, Contagem",32310-000
Cliente 7,teste7@teste.com,05/10/1987,123.456.789-49,"Av. Pres. Antônio Carlos, 3860 - Pampulha, Belo Horizonte",31270-000
Cliente 8,teste8@teste.com,05/10/1986,123.456.789-57,"Av. do Contorno, 9530 - Barro Preto, Belo Horizonte",30110-934
Cliente 9,teste9@teste.com,05/10/1985,123.456.789-65,"Av. Presidente Carlos Luz, 3001 - Pampulha, Belo Horizonte",31250-010