Addons and utilities for SaccFlightAndVehicles.
Custom inspector for SaccEntity with validation and autofill buttons.
Auto find and fill reference for DFUNCs and Extentons. Also finds specified named GameObject below:
- InVehicleOnly
- HoldingOnly
- CenterOfMass
- SwitchFunctionSound
- DisabledAfter10Seconds
Auto align StickDisplay MFD items.
- Parent GameObject must be named "StickDisplayL" or "StickDisplayR". Recommended to use prefabs in Template folder.
- Name of each items must be started with "MFD_".
Custom inspector for SAV_KeyobardCantrols with autofill button.
Add gizmos for TargetEyeHeight in SaccVehicleSeat and FloatPoints in FloatScript.
Applies the parameters specified in the world to all vehicles when world loaded without prefab overrides.
Integrate UdonChips with SaccFlight.
- UdonSharp
- SaccFlightAndVehicles: 1.51 or later
- InariUdon: Using UdonLogger
- UdonChips
- Import all requirements.
- Download the unitpackage from Lates Release.
- Import them all by drag & drop into Unity project window.
- Click "EsnyaSFAddons/Features/Install" on the MenuBar if you want it.