
Hermes Bot API Library for Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A library for creating a bot for Hermes Messenger. Based on Slimbot, a Telegram bot library.

Creating a bot

Go to https://hermesmessenger.chat/createBot and create a bot on that page.
Save the token it gives you, since that token is what lets your bot communicate with our API.

Installing the library

This library is published as an NPM module, so you can just install it that way.

npm i hermesbot

Example code

const HermesBot = require('hermesbot');
const BOT_TOKEN = "YourBotToken" // Replace 'YourBotToken' with the token you got in Step 1. 

const bot = new HermesBot(BOT_TOKEN);

bot.on('message', message => {
  console.log('New message from ' + message.sender + ' saying ' + message.text)
  console.log('Sent at time ' + message.time + ' in chat ' + message.chat)

  if (message.text.indexOf('Hi bot') !== -1) { // If message contains the text 'Hi bot', reply
    bot.quote(message, 'Hi, ' + message.sender)
bot.start(); // Start the bot

Now go ahead and type Hi bot into Hermes. It should reply to you saying Hi and your username.