
A simple react application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It is a simple react application that consumes a DC comics superheroes api and renders in the browser, is responsive with the help of ant-design and handles global state with redux/toolkit.


Use the package manager yarn to install application.

yarn install

to run the application locally use the following command:

yarn start

Folder Structure

└── src/
    ├── api/
    ├── components/
    │   │   # I'm omitting the files inside most folders for readability
    │   ├── Card.jsx
    │   ├── CardList.jsx
    │   ├── InputSearch.jsx
    │   ├── MainLayout.jsx
    │   ├── StarButton.jsx
    │   ├── Card/
            |__ Card.jsx
            |__ Card.css
    │   └── CardList/
    │       ├── CardList.jsx
    │       └── HeroesList.css
    ├── middlewares/
    │   │   # this gonna print in console, which action has been executed
    │   └── index.js
    └── pages/
        │   # This gonna render the main login for our heroes and routings to 
         see details 
        └── HeroDetails.jsx
        └── Home.jsx
    ├── reducers/
      |__ rootReducer.js
    |__ slices/
      |__ dataSlice.js
      |__ uiSlice.js
    |__ statics/
      |__ logo.png