
Flutter application to record voice and play recorded voice.

Primary LanguageDart


A voice recorder app that is built using Flutter i.e. capable of recording voice note and playing them


  1. Flutter Audio Recorder (flutter_audio_recorder)
  2. Audio players (audio_players)
  3. Path Provider (path_provider)


  1. Records voice
  2. Plays recorded voice
  3. Shows progress indicator of played audio
  4. Stores voice/media file into application document directory
  5. Displays list of recording available in documents directory


Inital Screen Recording Screen New Recording Screen


  1. When playing audio and if another expansion tile is tapped then audio progess will display in taped tile

Improvment Required

  1. Visual progess of recording in time
  2. Audio pitch animation into the recording button
  3. Other expansion tile should be close when another tile is taped
  4. Audio pause and resume functionality


  1. Test code is required