This is a simple SSH brute force tool written in C#. It is designed to perform dictionary-based brute force attacks on SSH services. The tool takes a target IP address, a list of usernames, and a list of passwords as input. It then attempts to authenticate using each combination of username and password until a successful login is found or all combinations have been exhausted.
Supports multithreaded brute force attacks for faster execution. Allows setting a delay between authentication attempts to avoid lockouts or rate limiting. Provides an option to continue the brute force attack even after finding a valid username and password combination. Retrieves the SSH server banner for target identification. Written using the Renci.SshNet library for SSH communication.
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /reference:Renci.SshNet.dll /out:SharpBruteForceSSH.exe .\SharpBruteForceSSH.cs
.\SharpBruteForceSSH.exe .\username.txt .\password.txt -delay 2 -threads 5
.\SharpBruteForceSSH.exe .\username.txt .\password.txt -delay 2 -threads 5 --continue
Added the option to validate the status of the service if it is available or not. Example of SSH service turned off or IP blocking in the middle of a brute force process