Remove hard requirement for dynamic linking in Package.swift
ahtierney opened this issue · 0 comments
What did you do?
It would be great to support statically linking Hero via Swift Package Manger, the current version (1.6.1) only supports dynamic linking via SPM.
What did you expect to happen?
Apple recommends leaving the library type as unspecified to allow the Xcode to choose the right linking type. The package file currently makes dynamic linking a requirement.
Ideally this requirement would be removed per Apple's guidance (unless there's some reason Hero explicitly can't or won't support static linking). There are a number of rough edges with the SPM/Xcode and this flexibility seems like the best way to keep the door open to the systems working correctly.
If there is concern about backward compatibility before the next major version, it looks like some projects have exposed both a dynamic and a static product as a work around.
General Information
Hero Version: 1.6.1
iOS Version(s): 13.+
Swift (and Swift Tools) Version: 5.3
Xcode Version: 12.4