Pinned issues
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Hero 1.6.x Xcode 16 Carthage
#776 opened by daywalkel2 - 2
- 1
Library not loaded
#775 opened by yangdehui - 1
Privacy Manifest
#774 opened by niji-mathieu-viel - 0
CI/CD github action needs update to newer env
#770 opened by JoeMatt - 0
Black screen when removing VC
#768 opened by 13doots - 2
- 0
Demo cant be run.
#765 opened by ericji-o - 1
- 0
hidesBottomBarWhenPushed bug
#764 opened by wujingcheng7 - 5
- 0
- 1
- 2
Doesn't the demo project work?
#761 opened by alexanderkhitev - 3
OverFullScreen problem
#756 opened by Samueleuf - 0
How do I keep the tabbar is not hidden when push
#760 opened by summerxx27 - 0
hero push animation is unable to turn off
#759 opened by DenisOvchar457 - 5
Crash on Hero.HeroTransition.start() -> () HeroTransition+Start.swift, line 121
#734 opened by sadeghgoo - 16
Version 1.6.2 doesn't work with SPM
#747 opened by guidev - 0
- 4
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HeroModifier `delay(_:)` is not working
#744 opened by cloxnu - 3
unwindToViewController not working in iOS 15
#724 opened by rued - 0
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Request: Make HeroTransition::complete(after: TimeInterval, finishing: Bool) public
#746 opened by IainS1986 - 0
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animations won't work after switching and switching back on tabBarController
#733 opened by SaeeSaadat - 1
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I have collectionView and in didselect I am enabling the hero ID to cell but next time its is automatically getting another adjacent cell's content
#731 opened by sagarmahindrakarshipr - 2
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Add library Hero
#728 opened by disavle - 5
Hero makes my CAEmitterLayer work inconsistently
#716 opened by jeromescheer - 2
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window.rootViewController transition animation
#722 opened by zdurlan - 2
Swift compiler error - Xcode 13 beta 3
#720 opened by johnnysay - 1
Missing framework crash
#719 opened by andrebng - 0
UIViewController deallocated when using function replaceViewController(with:completion)
#717 opened by rafalwojcik - 0
Can Hero use swipe back gesture animation like UINavigationController default swipe back gesture animation in a presenting controller?
#713 opened by zkfpk6 - 0
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Black screen on dismiss controller
#705 opened by GeorgeKyrylenko1998 - 2
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"Example Gallery Blog Post" link no longer works
#708 opened by yilei - 0
Get rid of CI dependencies from SPM
#703 opened by balavor - 3
SPM integration causes compiler Issues, preventing the project from building
#704 opened by joshwoods - 2
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New version?
#701 opened by ergunkocak - 0