FreeTAKHub VideoChecker

This integration allow to use a streaming software like TAK ICU with the Video Server and FTS image It periodically connects to the RTSP-simple server using the API, check for the existence of streams

the video stream is sent to all the connected TAK Devices


Now you can retrieve it in your video list


image FTS 1.9 requires up-to 5 different nodes (VMs). In this use case it's suggested to use 3 different servers.

While it's possible to run all on the same machine, performances will be severly affected

Android Phone for spotter: an android phone with TAK ICu installed. Used by the spotter to send the video stream.

  • Video Service: simple RTSP server 0.7 or better with APi activated. the video Service checker uses the API to verify if streams are running there and notify FTS
  • FTH server: runs other integrations such as Telegram Connector, Video Service Checker, check-in system, SALUTe report and Global Emergency Checker
  • FTS Cloud Server: hosts the core of FTS
  • Android Phone(s) for team member(s): this phone has ATAK installed FTS send a notification with the COT ATAK shows the video, connecting to the FTS to visualized the COT and to the video server to get the video feed.



  • API service must be active on FTS
  • API service must be active on RTSP-simple Server
  • in the node "Post Video to FTS" set a valid your Rest API token


  • in the "FTH Global Config" node set the value for IPs of the different servers