
Image operations, quick and embeddable that you might barely believe it running

Primary LanguageRustMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


A library for common image operations, so quick and embeddable that you might barely notice it running. At least that's the goal. The main idea is to use pre-built GPU pipelines, the same you will find used in video games, but to wrap it into an interface more familiar from CPU-based methods.¹

How to run

Warning: The test suite checks for pixel-accurate results by doing a CRC check on the contents of images. It is somewhat likely that those fail on your machine as there are allowed differenced in the exact floating point math. This, for example, affects rotated images sampled with Nearest pixels as well as buffer stores relying on the driver to perform sRGB encoding, float-scaling, interpolation of vertex attributes across fragments etc.

Run on the first time, then run:

STEALTH_PAINT_BLESS=1 cargo test --release
cargo test

As an added benefit, the first call will produce a debug version of all test results in the form of png images within the tests/debug folder.

Otherwise, see the documentation on: http://docs.rs/

Project goals

AM/FM AM/FM is an engineer's term distinguishing the inevitable clunky real-world faultiness of "Actual Machines" from the power-fantasy techno-dreams of "Fucking Magic." (Source: Turkey City Lexicon)

Without naming specific other solutions, relying on magic for your image processing needs invites the risk of many CVEs, a world of painful configuration, and overall slowness. Avoid all of this by relying on safe Rust, nice embedding, hardware acceleration and an optimizing execution engine.

Initially and for the forseeable future we will require at least some device and driver supported by any of wgpu's backend. We will try to keep the basic interface agnostic of that specific though and might offer a pure CPU-based solution or SIMD acceleration later, essentially emulating the Vulkan API and forgoing the shader compilation/upload to gpu memory. But then again, we might expect a general purpose CPU-based drop-in Vulkan implementation on the platform. That's not yet decided.

The other more interesting point to resolve at some future version is the case of external memory/pixel container, as necessary for pipelines operation on images too large for any of the computer's memories.

We will also try to make it 'nearly realtime' (cough) in that the main execution of a program should be free of infinite cycles, instead based on step-by-step advance (with hopefully bounded time by the underlying driver) and fuel based methods, as well as providing ahead of time estimates and bounds on our resource usage. While we're not close to it yet, at least this is part of the API reasoning and it's worthy of a bug report if some system actively makes it impossible.

How it works

This project never had the goals of being a cairo alternative. Learning from graphics interfaces, we rely on a declarative and ahead-of-time specification of your operations pipeline. We also assume that any resources (except temporary inputs and outputs byte buffers) are owned by a library object. This has the advantage that we might reuse memory, have intermediate results that are never backed by CPU accessible memory, may change certain layouts and sampling descriptors on the fly, and can plan execution steps and resource utilization transparently.

What it is not

¹Such as ImageMagick whose enormous mix of decoding/encoding/computing tasks and half-baked HW acceleration the author personally views as a crime against color science accuracy (if your composition library starts out with 'gamma correction' as an available color operation you have no idea what you're doing), resource efficient computation, web-server security, and several software principles (though not against doing a decent job a doing tons of stuff).

In particular there will be no IO done by this library. Unless we get a OS agnostic disk/memory-to-GPU-memory API, in which case we might relax this to perform some limited amount of pre-declared decoding work in compute shaders if this leads to overwhelming efficiency gains in terms of saved CPU cycles or parallelism. Again, we will even then require the caller to very strictly setup the transfer channel itself such as the binding of File Descriptors, avoid any operation requiring any direct permissions checks (i.e. use of our process personality and credentials).

Future ideas

I'm really grateful if you pick any of the below. Feel free to grab one that tickles your interest. (And see 'Project goals' for less concrete tasks).

Cool stuff with WASM as computation

ImageMagick offers some generic formula application with some custom language. I don't want to do this but see the purpose of an image transformation language that is not specific to any API. Why not use WASM for this? This would allow writing and compiling such code in any other (runtime-free) language first. If you feel like inventing such a language and writing a compiler to SPIR-V for it then feel free to make it and then to PR it.

Similarity measures

Edge detection

Noise constructors

Just, any. Although keep in mind to use a deterministic method in order to stay reproducible. Ever wanted to create mega-bytes of pseudo-randomness with a fragment shader call?