
Makemake is a N-body simulation of gravity interaction between particles in space. Simple training exercise with vanilla Javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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What is Makemake ?

Makemake is not a potato. Makemake is a simulation of gravity interaction between particles in space. It runs a simulation of the effects of gravity on many particles at the same time. Physical calculations are performed using Newton & Kepler's laws, regardless of relativity, in a cartesian two-dimensions infinite universe. The name comes from an Hawaiian goddness of creation. Why ? Because you can create your own universe. And also because I want. Oh, and don't forget it's pronounced "makeymakey" !

How to get it ?

You have several ways to get Makemake, and it's really easy anyway ;) :

  • Clone or download the git, then
    • Run your own web server (Apache or any other), set the DocumentRoot to your Makemake path, and access the online version at localhost/web/particle.html
    • Run the standalone app using Electron. You may need to download and install NodeJS. A copy of Electron is distributed within this repository.
    • You can even build the app yourself using any kind of Electron builder (electron-build, surf...)

Warning ! The following options are not yet available. For the moment, just download the Github repo and run it yourself.

  • Go to my website and
    • Access the online version here
    • Download the app here

How to use it ?

When you start Makemake, you get a random universe where many particles have spawned. Let them move and look how they organize due to gravity. You can move the universe indefinitely by holding right mouse button down and moving. The same way you can zoom in and out using the mouse scroll.

Keys :

  • F1 : Toogle the extra-info GUI. Use it to display universe's origin, velocity and acceleration vectors, frame counter...
  • F2 : Reset the universe to void.
  • Click anywhere to add a particle at this location.
  • There is no key to make coffee.

v 0.3.2