Paintbot client in Go

This is a Paintbot Client written in Go 1.14.

For more information about what Paintbot is, see:

For running your own server see Paintbot Server Repository


  • Go 1.16
  • Paintbot Server (local or remote, there's one running by Cygni so no worries ;) )


  • Clone this repository
  • Execute: run the client
> cd <repo>/cmd/examplebot
> go run main.go


You only need to implement when function in order to have your own bot up and running. see ExampleBot

func calculateMove(updateEvent models.MapUpdateEvent) models.Action {
	utility := maputility.MapUtility{Map: updateEvent.Map, CurrentPlayerID: *updateEvent.ReceivingPlayerID}
	me := utility.GetMyCharacterInfo()
	move := models.Stay
    // ...
    // super smart logic
    // ...
	return move

calculateMove will be called every time a map update is received from the server. You are expected to reply with a CharacterAction (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, STAY or EXPLODE). And don't forget to respond within the time limit. default is 250 ms including networking.


There's a utility class with nifty methods to help you out. Take a look at Map utility


Beware the common mishaps:

  • If two bots try to move to the same empty space, they will collide and stun each other. Once the stun ends, they risk doing the same thing again. And again, and again. Don't be the bot who runs into another bot the whole game!