
ArrayPoolScope allows you to use ArrayPool in a scope-like manner

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Array Pool Scope

Array Pool Scope allows you to use ArrayPool in a scope-like manner.

๐ŸŒŸ Features

  • ๐Ÿš€ Fast and Safe - Use ArrayPool in a scope-like manner using readonly structs with no allocations!
  • โœ‚ Fully trimmable and AOT compatible - No reflection or dynamic code is used, making it fully compatible with AOT platforms like NativeAOT and IL2CPP!
  • ๐ŸŒ Wide range of .NET support - Supports .NET Standard 1.1 and up, including .NET Framework 4.6.1, .NET 5+ and even Unity!
  • โœ… 100% test coverage - All code is tested to make sure it works as expected!
  • ๐Ÿ—‘ Almost zero allocations - The library is designed to be as allocation-free as possible!ยน
  • ๐Ÿ“• Fully documented - Every public member is documented with XML docs to make it easy to understand how to use the library!

ยน Sort(Comparison<T>) will allocate a small amount of memory in anything below .NET 5 due to the lack of efficient sorting methods.

๐Ÿ’จ Quick Start

using Hertzole.Buffers;

int length = 10;
// Use a using statement to automatically return the array to the pool.
using (ArrayPoolScope<int> pool = new ArrayPoolScope<int>(length))
    // For loop
    for (int i = 0; i < pool.Length; i++)
        pool[i] = i;

    // Foreach loop
    foreach (int item in pool)

// Manully return the array to the pool.
ArrayPoolScope<int> pool = new ArrayPoolScope<int>(length);

// Provide your own pool.
ArrayPool<int> customPool = ArrayPool<int>.Create();
using ArrayPoolScope<int> pool = new ArrayPoolScope<int>(length, customPool);

// Get directly from pool.
using ArrayPoolScope<int> pool = ArrayPool<int>.Shared.RentScope(length);

// As span and memory.
using ArrayPoolScope<int> pool = ArrayPool<int>.Shared.RentScope(length);
Span<int> span = pool.AsSpan();
Memory<int> memory = pool.AsMemory();

// Control how the array is cleared when disposed.
ArrayClearMode clearMode = ArrayClearMode.Auto; // Auto, Always, Never
using ArrayPoolScope<int> pool = new ArrayPoolScope<int>(length, clearMode);

// Get the array directly if needed. (you should avoid this, unless you really need the array)
using ArrayPoolScope<int> pool = ArrayPool<int>.Shared.RentScope(length);
int[] array = UnsafeArrayPool.GetArray(pool);

๐Ÿ“ฆ Installation

You can install the package via NuGet. The package supports .NET Standard 2.0 and up.

dotnet add package Hertzole.ArrayPoolScope

Unity Installation

OpenUPM (Recommended)

The minimum Unity version for Array Pool Scope is 2021.3.

You can install the package through OpenUPM by using the OpenUPM CLI.

openupm add se.hertzole.array-pool-scope

If you don't have the CLI installed, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Edit/Project Settings/Package Manager
  2. Add a new Scoped Registry (or edit the existing OpenUPM entry)
    Name: package.openupm.com
    URL: https://package.openupm.com
    Scope: se.hertzole.array-pool-scope
  3. Click Save (or Apply)
  4. Open Window/Package Manager
  5. Click +
  6. Select Add package by name... or Add package from git URL...
  7. Paste se.hertzole.array-pool-scope into name
  8. Click Add

Unity Package Manager

You can install the package through the Unity Package Manager.

  1. Open Window/Package Manager
  2. Click the + in the top left corner
  3. Select Add package from git URL...
  4. Paste https://github.com/Hertzole/array-pool-scope.git#upm

๐Ÿ’ป Development


For standard .NET development, you need the following:

For Unity development, you need the following:


To build the project, you can use the dotnet CLI.

dotnet build


To run the tests, you can use the dotnet CLI.

dotnet test


The main SDK should be the "single source of truth". This means that all code should be written in the main project and then copied over to the Unity project.

To open the project in Unity, you need to open the Unity folder as a project.

๐Ÿค Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Please make sure your pull requests are made to the develop branch and that you have tested your changes. If you're adding a new feature, please also add tests for it.

Your code should follow the C# Coding Conventions. Your commits should follow the Conventional Commits standard.

๐Ÿ“ƒ License