
learning typescript from scratch

Primary LanguageTypeScript


learning typescript from scratch

Typescript core types

number string object array enum any

Typescript other types

union type -> symbol type | type literal type -> 'type'

Function return type and void

make function strict returning a certain type fuction returning 0 means fuction is returning void

Function Types

you can give a variable a type of Function, to accept only function as a value with a specific function return type

Function Types and callbacks

you can declare a function that accept paremeters of a certain type and a callback function that return function type so that in the future use, callback will only return what function type allows to.

Unknown Type

unknow type looks almost similar to any type but it is more restricitive than any it require to double check which current variable type before taking action

Never Type

Watch Node

helps to auto recompile you ts codes

include and exclude files

you can configure tsc in your tsconfig.json which files to include in compilation or exclude in your compilation

setting a compilation target

allow you to set the target version of javascript in the compiler options, so that tsc will generate equivalent version