
Display information about command type.

type: type [-afptP] name [name ...]   


help test
[[ hello == world ]]; echo $?
[[ hello =~ el ]]; echo $?
[[ "hello world"  =~ "lo wor" ]]; echo $?      # if the string contain ,
[[ "hello world"  =~ ^h ]]; echo $?            # if the string starts with an h,
[[ "hello world"  =~ ^h.+d$ ]]; echo $?        # if the string starts with an h, has at least one character after it, and ends with a d.
[[ $VAR =~ \?$ ]]; echo $?                      # if the string end with an ?

Print all environment variables


View all variables in the shell with

declare -p      [-p stands for print]

let: let arg [arg ...] Evaluate arithmetic expressions.

Evaluate each ARG as an arithmetic expression.  Evaluation is done in
fixed-width integers with no check for overflow, though division by 0
is trapped and flagged as an error.  The following list of operators is
grouped into levels of equal-precedence operators.  The levels are listed
in order of decreasing precedence.

    id++, id--      variable post-increment, post-decrement
    ++id, --id      variable pre-increment, pre-decrement
    -, +            unary minus, plus
    !, ~            logical and bitwise negation
    **              exponentiation
    *, /, %         multiplication, division, remainder
    +, -            addition, subtraction
    <<, >>          left and right bitwise shifts
    <=, >=, <, >    comparison
    ==, !=          equality, inequality
    &               bitwise AND
    ^               bitwise XOR
    |               bitwise OR
    &&              logical AND
    ||              logical OR
    expr ? expr : expr
                    conditional operator
    =, *=, /=, %=,
    +=, -=, <<=, >>=,
    &=, ^=, |=      assignment