Python3 library for downloading YouTube Videos.
mp4 video download highest resolution:
from pytubefix import YouTube
from pytubefix .cli import on_progress
url = "url"
yt = YouTube (url , on_progress_callback = on_progress )
print (yt .title )
ys = yt .streams .get_highest_resolution ()
ys .download ()
If you want to save in .mp3 just pass the mp3=True parameter (MPEG-4 AAC audio codec):
from pytubefix import YouTube
from pytubefix .cli import on_progress
url = "url"
yt = YouTube (url , on_progress_callback = on_progress )
print (yt .title )
ys = yt .streams .get_audio_only ()
ys .download (mp3 = True )
if you want to download complete playlists:
from pytubefix import Playlist
from pytubefix .cli import on_progress
url = "url"
pl = Playlist (url )
for video in pl .videos :
ys = video .streams .get_audio_only ()
ys .download (mp3 = True )
if you want to add authentication
from pytubefix import YouTube
from pytubefix .cli import on_progress
url = "url"
yt = YouTube (url , use_oauth = True , allow_oauth_cache = True , on_progress_callback = on_progress )
ys = yt .streams .get_highest_resolution ()
ys .download () # you will only get the request to authenticate once you download
viewing available subtitles:
from pytubefix import YouTube
yt = YouTube ('' )
subtitles = yt .captions
print (subtitles )
printing the subtitle tracks:
from pytubefix import YouTube
yt = YouTube ('' )
caption = yt .captions ['a.en' ]
print (caption .generate_srt_captions ())
now you can save subtitles to a txt file:
from pytubefix import YouTube
yt = YouTube ('' )
caption = yt .captions ['a.en' ]
caption .save_captions ("captions.txt" )
from pytubefix import Channel
c = Channel ("" )
print (f'Channel name: { c .channel_name } ' )
to download all videos from a channel:
from pytubefix import Channel
c = Channel ("" )
print (f'Downloading videos by: { c .channel_name } ' )
for video in c .videos :
download = video .streams .get_highest_resolution ().download ()
> >> from pytubefix import Search
> >>
>> > results = Search ('Github Issue Best Practices' )
> >>
>> > for video in results .videos :
... print (f'Title: { video .title } ' )
... print (f'URL: { video .watch_url } ' )
... print (f'Duration: { video .length } sec' )
... print ('---' )
Title : Good Practices with GitHub Issues
URL : https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = v1AeHaopAYE
Duration : 406 sec
- - -
Title : GitHub Issues Tips and Guidelines
URL : https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = kezinXSoV5A
Duration : 852 sec
- - -
Title : 13 Advanced (but useful ) Git Techniques and Shortcuts
URL : https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = ecK3EnyGD8o
Duration : 486 sec
- - -
Title : Managing a GitHub Organization Tools , Tips , and Best Practices - Mark Matyas
URL : https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = 1 T4HAPBFbb0
Duration : 1525 sec
- - -
Title : Do you know the best way to manage GitHub Issues ?
URL : https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = OccRyzAS4Vc
Duration : 534 sec
- - -
> >>
> >> from pytubefix .contrib .search import Search , Filter
> >>
>> >
>> > f = {
... 'upload_data' : Filter .get_upload_data ('Today' ),
... 'type' : Filter .get_type ("Video" ),
... 'duration' : Filter .get_duration ("Under 4 minutes" ),
... 'features' : [Filter .get_features ("4K" ), Filter .get_features ("Creative Commons" )],
... 'sort_by' : Filter .get_sort_by ("Upload date" )
... }
> >>
>> > s = Search ('music' , filters = f )
> >> for c in s .videos :
... print (c .watch_url )
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = _Rq8MzYz0YU
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = YHPGM8nBk3U
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = m98WShs7MLE
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = - vBqfC3Nir0
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = LbtrnCjopwk
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = pfl2ga6AS3c
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = TzNk2ygEU4c
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = yQfXVRKvA70
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = G5tQX990XU0
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = 4L QzYMhtXV8
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = BOLGwdjCSAo
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = CgSH3Ww3MHs
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = _43tx98VEWc
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = wLDRGZaBEoQ
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = 3 qaHb2t3Lkw
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = 56 deLmbicLg
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = pQk2TzmwnS0
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = NJ3sOlg8KGo
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = kfDSHjlk4Pg
https :// youtube .com / watch ?v = 8 KHak4ZNO3k
>> >