
A repository of magazine index files

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Magazine Index Files


This repository contains a set of files in .yaml format detailing the contents of several magazines. The long term plan is to use those files to build a fully searchable website with the contents of some of my magazines.

So, please consider everything at very early stages of development but feel free to reuse any file or, even better, make suggestions or contributions in the form of more magazine .yaml files.

Magazine .yaml format

The smallest magazine .yaml file you can create must consist on:

title: Euro Modelismo      # Title of the magazine in its original language
issue: 150                 # Issue number 
country: es                # Two letter ISO code of the country of production
tags: common / scale_kits  # Tags used to describe magazine items
price: 10 euros            # Price and currency of the issue
date: 2005-01              # Release date of the issue in YYYY-MM-DD format
language: es-es            # Main language of the issue

Below you can see more details about each of the fields:

  • title: Title or name of the magazine.
  • issue: Issue number of the magazine. This is a text field so you could add extra information like 100 - 20th annyversary special.
  • country: Two letter ISO code of the country where the magazine is produced or edited.
  • tags: Set of tags used in the description of the magazine items. More about this later.
  • price: Price and currency of the magazine issue.
  • date: Release date of the issue in YYYY-MM-DD format. You can ommit any value from right to left. e.g. 2005-07 would be valid and 2005 too.
  • language: Main language of the issue in XX format.
  • items: A list of items (articles, news, advertisements included in the issue, more about this later).

Magazine items in the .yaml

As we saw before, the magazine .yaml file has a items: field under which will put all the different items (articles, news, ads...) contained in it. The minimum description of an item is:

- title: Portada
  page: -1
  • title: Title and/or description of the item.
  • page: Page(s) where the item can be found. The format of the field must be either page (e.g. 23) or start_page-end_page (e.g. 16-19). It's important to highlight the page numbers are based on the internal numbering of the pages within the magazine (typically that number appears in one of the corners of each page). This numbering scheme typicall leads to the cover of the magazine having a negative page number; this is perfectly valid and expected.

Those two fields are clearly not enough to properly index and classify the contents of a magazine. For that reason, a "dynamic" tagging system has been created. At the top of the magazine .yaml file we will indicate as many tag definition files as desired. For example, in the example minimum magazine .yaml file shown at the top, we put:

tags: common / scale_kits

Which means we can use the tags defined in common(.yaml) and scale_kits(.yaml) files. We will see them in more detail below, but by now keep in mind that a) multiple tags can be assigned to magazine items, b) they accept multiple values, and c) some of them are open (you can use any value you want) and others only allow certain list of valid values. Below you can see the description of some items in our sample magazine .yaml file.

  - title: Portada
    page: -1
    type: cov

  - title: Publicidad - Chaves
    page: 0
    type: adv

  - title: Índice
    page: 1
    type: ind

  - title: Ha llegado Santa Claus - Las Ardenas, 17 de diciembre de 1944
    page: 2-28
    author: Marijn Van Gils
    type: how_bld / how_pnt
    genre: arm / dio / fig
    scale: 1/35
    brand: Tamiya / Dragon / Hornet / Royal Model / Pegaso

  - title: Publicidad - Soldat, Academy
    page: 29
    type: adv

  - title: F-15 Strike Eagle - Irak 2003
    page: 30-44
    author: Francisco J. López de Anca García
    type: how_bld / how_pnt
    brand: Revell / Aires / Verlinden Productions
    scale: 1/48

Tag definiton files

Tag definition files are also .yaml files that can contain one or several tag definitions and are linked from magazine .yaml files to indicate which tags are used in the description of magazine items.

The format of tag definition files is as follows, we will use the common.yaml file with, you guessed it, common tag definitions that should be used by every magazine:

  - short_name: type
    full_name: Article type
    allowed: > 
      ??? - Unknown /
      cov - Cover /
      edi - Editorial /
      adv - Advertisement /
      his - Historical /
      how - How-to guide /
      hum - Humouristic or satire article /
      ind - Index /
      inf - Informative / 
      let - Reader letters and questions /
      pro - Profiles and interviews /
      new - News /
      opi - Opinions and reviews /
      pre - Previews

  - short_name: author
    full_name: Author
  • tags: Nothing must be added here. It's just a container for all the tag definitions.
    • short_name: Short name or code-name of the tag (one word, no spaces, lowercase). This is the tag name we need to use in the definitions of our magazine items.
    • long_name: Full name of the tag. It'll be used in the future by programs rendering the magazine index files to .html or any other human-readable forma.
    • allowed: List of allowed values for the tag. If empty, any value can be used. For tags with a limited set of values accepted, it's recommended to define a lowercase, short code (three letters is recommended but sometimes usint 3_3 —e.g. abc_def— is also a good option for sub-tags) and a full name by using a dash surrounded by spaces. As any other field in this project, the separation between multiple values must be done with a slash surrounded by spaces / although we can ommit the latter space by writing each tag definition in a new line as you see above. The starting > after the starting allowed: text precisely indicates that all lines below should be treated as a single one so the extra space after the / will be automatically added when reading the file.