
Ansible Collection and Sample Playbooks for HPE iLO

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

hpe.ilo - Ansible playbooks and roles for iLOs using Redfish APIs

This repository contains the Ansible playbook samples and Ansible roles for automating the HPE server lifecycle management using iLOs. The examples highlight the capabilities of the modules and their ability to be integrated into more complex playbooks, workflows, and applications.

These roles and playbooks should give you a very good idea of how to create your own playbooks for your own needs.

Example playbooks and roles use the following collection and modules:


  • ansible >= 2.11


To install in ansible default or defined paths use:

ansible-galaxy collection install hpe.ilo

Ansible set up

To install Ansible and Community general package use:

sudo python -m pip install ansible
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
pip install python-ilorest-library
pip install paramiko
pip install certifi