A tiny dev board for STM8S001J3 MCU designed in KiCad.
The board has the LED (D1) that is connected to pin #1 of the MCU and two (optional) pull-up resistors for the I²C bus.
The last release Gerbers.zip
Left connector | Right connector |
SWIM | PA1, PD6, LED |
VDD | PC3, PC4, PC5 |
VDD | PB4, I2C SCL |
GND | PA3, PB5, I2C SDA |
seen from the front
Name | Value | Notes |
U1 | STM8S001J3 | |
C1 | 1µF | |
C2 | 100nF | |
C3 | 1µF | VCAP |
D1 | LED | |
R1 | 2K | |
R2 | 4.7K | optional, I2C pull-up |
R3 | 4.7K | optional, I2C pull-up |
Components size: SMD 0603
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