
Minimalist Monitor Control - a minimalist CLI app written in Rust to read and set VCP values for your monitor.

Primary LanguageRust


Minimalist Monitor Control - a minimalist CLI app written in Rust to read and set VCP features for your monitor via the DDC/CI protocol.

What are VCP / VCP Features ?

VCP stands for Virtual Control Panel. VCP features basically are monitor settings, and allow you to control bightness, contrast, etc. of your screen. This program uses DDC/CI (Display Data Channel/Command Interface) to talk to the monitor and change those settings.

How to compile and run

Just clone the repository, then run cargo run, or cargo build --release to build a release binary.


mmc 1.3.0
Minimalist Monitor Control

    mmc.exe [OPTIONS] -i <VCP_ID> <--get|--set>

        --add             Add the value to the current value
    -b <BACKEND>          Only act on monitors using this backend [possible values: winapi, nvapi,
                          i2c, macos]
    -g, --get             Get VCP value
    -h, --help            Print help information
    -i <VCP_ID>           The VCP identifier (eg: 10 for brightness)
    -s, --set             Set VCP value
        --subtract        Subtract the value from the current value
    -u                    Force update the capabilities before reading or writing the VCP value
                          (needed on some screens?)
    -v <VCP_VALUE>        The VCP value (only used with '-s/--set')
    -V, --version         Print version information


This program essentially does what ddcset-rs does, except ddcset-rs didn't work on my hardware : for some reason my drivers sometimes fail to communicate with the monitor, and I get I2C communication errors. Since the problem is totally random, I fixed it in mmc by retrying until it works. It's ugly, but it works.