
Buildpack allowing us to deploy an application using lerna on heroku. This buildpack is based on these two buildpacks: heroku-buildpack-nodejs and heroku-buildpack-monorepo.


To deploy your application, you need to:

  • Set the Config Var PACKAGE_NAME in Heroku to reflect the name of the package you want to deploy.
  • Set the config Var PACKAGE_PATH in Heroku to your application path if your package is not located into the packages directory.
  • Set the Config Var YARN_PRODUCTION to false.

This buildpack will just run two commands thanks to lerna to compile your application. To start your application, a file named Procfile is required in your application.

lerna bootstrap --scope="${PACKAGE_NAME}" --include-dependencies

lerna run build --scope="${PACKAGE_NAME}" --include-dependencies --stream

Be sure to add this buildpack after heroku-buildpack-nodejs (so lerna cli will be available and the two commands above will work).


If lerna is not found, make sure to have lerna as a dev dependency in your package.json at the root of you repository. Also, you'll need to set YARN_PRODUCTION to false so lerna won't be prunned.