
My personal configurations(dotfile and etc).

Primary LanguageVim Script

Hexcles' Configurations

My personal configurations(dotfile and etc).


Mostly some dotfiles under home directory.


Some global configurations under /etc .

Most of them can be put under home as well(maybe need to rename). I put them in the /etc just because I have several accounts on my laptop and I want to make them the same. If you are on a server or a public workstation, it might be better to use personal configurations instead.

Font Configuration for Linux

I would like to strongly recommend my font configurations.

The main configuration file is etc/fonts/local.conf . You can either put it under /etc/fonts or under your home directory with the name .fonts.conf (don't forget the leading dot).

More things you can do: copy the font-relating lines in etc/xprofile and etc/Xresources to the corresponding files under /etc . They are some tweaks for problematic programs.