Pinned issues
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[Bug]: videos streams are not playing
#322 opened by anandssm - 2
Playlist thumbnails are broken
#296 opened by khaled-0 - 1
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[Bug]: Slow download
#321 opened by sushantj651 - 1
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[Bug]: search_page.dart no null check
#315 opened by whowillcare - 0
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[BUG] crashes when fetching videos from channel which are having upcoming or premiering videos
#309 opened by SP-XD - 0
[Bug]: there is no sound in video
#314 opened by Faiz-rhm - 3
Bug Report: Error Fetching Video Streams
#312 opened by ssss500 - 6
[BUG] Sign in to confirm you are not a bot
#282 opened by mamimotu - 3
got this error today while downloading youtube video
#279 opened by Khushnu - 1
- 0
[BUG] var streamInfo = streamManifest.muxed.withHigestVideoQuality(); this function give error
#311 opened by DineshKhileri - 3
[BUG] Explicit titles aka Videos that show "Viewer discretion is advised" results in streams are not available Error
#299 opened by KRTirtho - 1
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#308 opened by cristianpessoamillenium - 0
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[BUG] youtube video is not playing due to api failure "youtubei/v1/player" which gives this issue " "playabilityStatus": { "status": "LOGIN_REQUIRED", "reason": "Please sign in" },"
#304 opened by chiku7665 - 1
[BUG]the downloaded video have'nt the audio
#301 opened by Khattak11 - 3
muxed will get empty on youtube video
#303 opened by this-sunil - 0
muxed video data can't get
#302 opened by this-sunil - 5
[BUG] Muxed video stream is muted
#300 opened by thinhtran122000 - 1
Implementing == operators on data classes
#298 opened by khaled-0 - 0
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Implement Youtube Music
#295 opened by BinaryQuantumSoul - 3
Getting 403 in muxed | using android client
#294 opened by HKTareen - 12
[BUG] No Muxed streams
#291 opened by jelle-limpens - 7
[BUG] there are no muxed streams there is only video and only audio ,why previous version of lib not work ? our apps was stoped please we need stable version
#292 opened by BetacodeMohammedkhateb - 16
[BUG] YoutubeExplodeException Video returned 403
#290 opened by galal3336 - 32
[BUG] Error fetching video qualities: YoutubeExplodeException: Video xWYhcQv7MV0 returned 403 (stream: 18)
#286 opened by ssss500 - 0
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[BUG] VideoUnavailableException
#283 opened by mamimotu - 3
[BUG] [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: VideoUnavailableException: Video 'Dpp1sIL1m5Q' is unavailable
#285 opened by wandiaprianto93 - 2
[BUG] Unhandled Exception: FatalFailureException: Failed to perform an HTTP request to YouTube due to a fatal failure.
#284 opened by wandiaprianto93 - 2
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Fetching multiple videos with videoIDs at once
#281 opened by triggerfx - 0
Add/Expose loudnessDb for audio-only streams
#280 opened by anandnet - 9
[BUG] Can't retrieve 720p quality in any video
#278 opened by Joseph-Nathan - 0
srt format.
#277 opened by cakmmak - 1
Related videos
#274 opened by sergioisair - 1
[BUG] Can't retreive comment of any video
#276 opened by bazini - 1
Language metadata for audio track
#273 opened by ivanesi - 0
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getCaptionTracks() is not working
#270 opened by mayman007 - 1
Youtube shorts only filter
#268 opened by igormidev - 0
It is recommended to add the author’s avatar
#267 opened by xypmhxy - 1
[BUG] issue implementing pagination using the .nextPage() method
#266 opened by Samriddhi-Karmacharya