

React-flowbot-ui-kit - UI kit for creating a flowbot. It works as a widget that is embedded in a page. The user interacts with the bot by pressing buttons in chat and receives messages in response. Bot states are described in yaml format as a finite state machine. Inspired by react-chatbot-kit.

inspired by

Make your own configuration

Questions`s roadmap

First of all you need to make your own question`s roadmap dependencies.

Create a config.ts file.

See example of config.ts in the examples directory.

config.ts file has four fields:

  1. initMessages, an array of messages that users will see when launching a chatbot.
  2. initQuestions. Here are stored initial roadmap questions for users. The array consists of question names.
  3. answers. Each answer has four fields:
  • name. A custom answer name that should be unique;
  • content. An answer visible for users;
  • questionNames. The array of the following questions, you can provide your own dependencies;
  • widgets (optional field). The array of custom widgets that are shown in the answer.
  1. questions. Each question has three fields:
  • name. A custom question name that should be unique;;
  • text. A question visible for users;;
  • answerName. A custom answer name for this question.

Add widgets

You can add custom widgets for answers.

Create your custom widget component. See examples in the examples/widgets directory.

Create object widgets, import and add all your widgets.

Create a getWidget function that has a name param and returns a component from widgets object, consider an example from the examples/widgets/index.ts.

Now check if it`s working

Import function createFlowBot from the package in your project.

Import your config file and pass it as the first parameter of the createFlowBot function.

const flowBot = createFlowBot(config);

If you want to use a custom widget, import your function getWidget and pass it into the second parameter of function createFlowBot, userDefinedOptions.

const flowBot = createFlowBot(config, { getWidget });

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