
Study With Me is your personalized study tool offering flashcard and quiz-style learning, enabling you to input your own questions, track progress, access a diverse database of study topics, and effortlessly flag and update any incorrect answers for seamless learning.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Hero Header Banner

This React Application is deployed on Netlify

Version 1.0.0

v2 is currently in development

Trello Project Management Board

Project Overview

Welcome to Study With Me: your personal study buddy, growing and evolving just like you!

Right now, Study With Me brings you an interactivce feature that lets you dive into a curated selection of Javascript and React study questions. It's similiar to studying with flash cards.

But that's just the beginning. I am cooking up some amazing new things that will take learning journey to the next level! Get ready for exciting updates that will track your progress, explore a wider range of study topics, flag any concerning study material and dive deeper into a topic with the help of ChatGPT.

Study With Me is all about empowering your learning experience. Stay tuned for more incredible features that will make studying not just effective, but fun and interactive too!

Current Development Status

Study With Me is an evolving application currently in an active development phase.

As of now:

  • Version 1 was initially conceived as an engaging study tool catered to high school students learning Javascript and React. This version served as a fun and educational resource.

  • Version 2, currently in production, marks a significant leap forward. It will introduce an API and database on the backend, laying the foundation for enhanced functionality and scalability.

  • In addition, Version 2 will empower users by allowing them to contribute to the study bank. A new form will enable users to input their own questions and answers, expanding the range of study material.

  • Further elevating the user experience, Version 2 will offer the ability to curate collections of quiz topics. Users can select specific topics, streamlining their study sessions and enhancing focus.

Development Plans

Looking ahead:

  • Version 3 is expected to introduce an authorization feature, ensuring secure access and tailored experiences for users.

  • Version 4 will include a cutting-edge ChatGPT feature, enhancing the learning process by providing deeper explanations for questions and answers.

  • Version 5 aims to incorporate data visualization, offering insights into user performance by showcasing the number of questions missed, aiding in understanding and improvement.

  • Version 6 is set to introduce an exciting feature, sockets, to enable a 'Guess Who' style game. Users can engage with friends, posing yes/no questions to guess specific terms or concepts, adding a delightful and interactive dimension to the learning journey.

    • In a "Guess Who" style game with a computer science theme, players typically ask yes or no questions to identify a specific computer science term, concept, language, or technology. Here are some examples of questions a player might ask:
      • "Is the term/language I'm thinking of an object-oriented programming language?"
      • "Does this technology/framework involve artificial intelligence?"
      • "Is the concept I'm thinking of related to data structures?"
      • "Does the term I have in mind pertain to network security or cryptography?"
      • "Is the technology primarily used for front-end development?"
    • These questions aim to narrow down the possibilities and help the player deduce the correct computer science term, language, or concept they are trying to identify.

Known Issues and Limitations

At this stage, I'd like to highlight a few known limitations within the application. It's important for users to understand areas that might not be fully functional yet:

  • At present, the application lacks a backend server, API/CRUD capabilities, database, or authentication mechanisms, limiting the functionalities that can be offered.
  • Users can review the same set of 60 questions, but due to the absence of backend support, refreshing the page will reset the question set, prompting repetition of the same questions.
  • While the application is mobile-friendly, it's important to note that the current styling may not fully optimize the mobile experience aesthetically.

If you would like to report an issue with the application, please do so here and inlude the filled out template below:

  • Steps to Reproduce: Clearly outline the steps or actions needed to reproduce the issue. This helps developers recreate the problem.
  • Expected Behavior: Explain what you expected to happen when performing those steps.
  • Actual Behavior: Describe what actually occurred or the error/issue encountered.
  • Screenshots or Recordings: If possible, include screenshots, recordings, or logs that illustrate the issue.
  • Environment Details: Specify the environment details where the issue occurred, such as:
    • Browser
    • Device (laptop, desktop, tablet, mobile, ect)
  • Additional Context: Provide any additional context that might be relevant to the issue, such as recent changs, error messages, or any related issues.

How to Contribute

Though I am not currently accepting contributions, I am always eager to hear new feature ideas and encourage engagement from users. To propose a feature, please file an issue with the following details:

  • Title: Provide a descriptive title for the proposed feature.
  • Description: Detail the new feature idea, including its purpose and the problem it aims to solve.
  • Use Case: Explain how users will benefit from this new feature and the scenarios where it would be applicable.
  • Additional Context: Offer any extra information or context that might help in understanding or implementing the feature.
  • Possible Solution: If you have suggestions on how this feature could be implemented, please share your thoughts.
  • Resources: Add any links to resources you think might be helpful in implementing the proposed feature.

Testing and Feedback

Your feedback is invaluable in improving this application. Feel free to use the app via this link to explore its current functionalities. If you would like to send feedback, you can reach out by shooting me an email at hexxking13@gmail.com.


MIT License - Copyright (c) 2023 Heather "Hexx" King

Tools and Resources