
StreetPainting app.

The Project was made during an Internal Epitech Jam. The theme was about Street Painting so we made a StreetPainting app with Unity. You can choose color, change size of the painting tool and change the tool. You can import stencils and you own walls. When you finish you streetart you can export it in you computer.


OS X & Linux & Windows

Open the project with Unity

Usage example

You can use this tool to train you streetpainting skills, make prototypes for futures real streetpaints...

_For more examples and usage, just use you imaginations :)

Development setup

Download Unity 2018.4.19f1 and use the projects


Etienne MILTGEN – @EtienneMiltgenetienne.miltgen@outlook.com

No Licence, contact me if you are interested to use it and if you want me to set up a Licence