
Plugin for Minecraft 1.17

Primary LanguageJava


BetterMagic Minecraft Plugin for Spigot/Paper 1.17 by GuitarXpress (HeyImJ0hn)

It's currently under development.

Permission nodes:
  • "magic.spawn" - Permission to spawn plugin related items
  • "magic.xp" - Permission to give and remove xp from players
  • "magic.summon" - Permission to summon plugin related mobs
Regular Commands
  • /magic help - Displays all available commands if player has permissions for them.
  • /magic level - Displays player's level and xp.
  • /magic toggle - Toggles shard drops (Default is ON).
  • /magic guide - Adds BetterMagic Guide Book to inventory.
"magic.spawn" Permission Required
  • /magic spellbook - Gives player the combat spellbook.
  • /magic altar - Gives player the crafting altar.
  • /magic shards - Gives player one of each shard.
  • /magic unlocks - Gives player items to unlock content (tomes).
  • /magic unreleased - Gives player WIP items.
  • /magic resetcooldowns - Resets all spell cooldowns.
"magic.xp" Permission Required
  • /magic addxp «xp» «username» - Adds «xp» to specified player.
  • /magic removexp «xp» «username» - Removes «xp» from specified player. (WIP)
"magic.summon" Permission Required
  • /magic summon/kill wizard - Spawns/Kills Wizard Villager.
Additional Info:

Player information such as their skill level and spellbook are created/loaded when the player joins. Please relog after reloading the plugin.