💫 About Me:

🔭 I'm currently working on an AI model
👯 Looking to collaborate on projects
🤝 Also seeking help with some of my ideas
🌱 I'm currently learning full stack development.
💬 Available for chit-chat
⚡ Fun fact- I generated this entire response
using AI!

🌐 Socials:

[Facebook](https://facebook.com/Ayush khurana) Instagram [LinkedIn](https://linkedin.com/in/Ayussh khurana) Twitter

💻 Tech Stack:

C JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 Python Solidity Rust TypeScript Heroku Vercel Netlify .Net Apache MySQL SQLite Adobe After Effects Adobe Illustrator Adobe Lightroom Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Photoshop Adobe XD Canva Blender Figma Framer Sketch Notion Raspberry Pi Portfolio

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