
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cress stands for Componentized Reactive ...Erm... Scoped Stylesheets. Think of Cress components as sort of like web components just for styling, except without having to use the web components specs.

Cress is intended as a smaller, more versatile, and less complex alternative to other CSS-in-JS solutions. It encourages separating styling from markup and behavior, while retaining a component-like organizational philosophy.

Where SSR (Server-side Rendering) is applied, the basic componentized/scoped styling behaviour it offers works in IE7+.

WARNING: This is very experimental, and in the early stages of development


  • Completely dependency free
  • Completely framework independent
  • 1KB minified ES module
  • Automatic scoping
  • SSR (Server-side Rendering) is easy
  • Reactive to prop changes using MutationObserver
  • resize method harnessing ResizeObserver

The this keyword... in CSS??

Well, no, not really. The word ”this” in a string that looks like CSS is more like it. But it helps solve the scoping issue without having to worry about the CSS OM or having to use some sort of complex regular expression. Instead, you just write ”this” (or a different word you've chosen; it's configurable) wherever you need to represent the target/parent element in the selector.

this button {
  color: red;

In the constructor, ”this” is replaced globally by a special identifier, and that's how styles are scoped:

[data-cress="wi5xdkbb9"] button {
  color: red;


When you create a new Cress component, you can set some default props and interpolate these into the css method:

new Cress('.test', {
  props: {
    color: 'red'
  css(props) {
    return `
      this button {
        color: ${props.color};

The neat thing is that every element matching .test will now share an embedded stylesheet identified by wi5xdkbb9-red. The wi5xdkbb9 part is shared by all .test elements, and the red part is shared by all .test elements where the color prop is red. This saves on redundancy.

Now... if you apply the data-cress-color="blue" attribution to one or more of your .test elements, their identifier will become wi5xdkbb9-blue and a new stylesheet will be created to serve them differently.

Every default prop can be overridden with an attribute of the pattern data-cress-[name of prop]. You don't need to use props (you may just want the scoping feature) but they're v nice.


A MutationObserver is applied to each of the .test elements, so when a prop-specific attribute is changed the new styles are applied. That's the reactive part, and makes Cress components a bit like custom elements. However, they are much easier to SSR: custom elements are not currently supported by JSDOM, for instance.

MutationObserver is nearly universally supported in browsers; Custom Elements are not nearly universally supported.

Container queries too??

Cress components are initialized with two arguments: a CSS selector, and a config object. As well as the default props object and the css() method, you can add and adjust some other things too. The resize() method lets you do stuff when a (parent) element (the element that matches the selector) is resized. This allows you to create container queries!

Consider the following example:

new Cress('.test', {
  props: {
    fontBig: '1.5rem',
    fontSmall: '0.85rem'
  css(props) {
    return `
      this button {
        font-size: ${props.fontBig};

      this.small button {
        font-size: ${props.fontSmall};
  resize(observed) {
      observed.contentRect.width < 400

Wherever .test elements are narrower than 400px, they will adopt the .small class and the props.fontSmall text size. Goodness! (Note that observed represents the ResizeObserver entry for the .test node, and observed.target represents the node itself.)

ResizeObserver is not the most well supported observer (although it has recently come to Firefox), so it's recommended resize() stuff is limited to progressive enhancements only, for production sites, for now.


Fundamentally, Cress just embeds some automatically scoped CSS. It doesn't need any kind of JavaScript to run in the browser if SSR (Server-side Rendering) has already populated the <head> with those styles. Why should basic CSS depend on JavaScript??

Your SSR approach is up to you. I like JSDOM; you might use Chromium and Puppeteer. In any case, all that needs to happen is for the Cress constructors to run and the HTML string to be augmented at build time. With the static site generator Eleventy, I can use a transform function that post-processes the HTML. The runScripts option is the key; it's what runs the Cress code and embeds the styles.

eleventyConfig.addTransform('ssr', function(page) {
  let dom = new JSDOM(page, {
    resources: 'usable',
    runScripts: 'dangerously'
  let document = dom.window.document;
  return '<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n' + document.documentElement.outerHTML;

Yes, Cress components are reactive and can incorporate JavaScript-enabled container queries, but these features should be considered progressive enhancements. Server-side rendered Cress components rely on nothing more than <style> elements and attribute selectors (IE7+) in the browser.

What about Shadow DOM? Isn't that what everyone wants?

Nah. Everyone thinks Shadow DOM will mean styles are completely sandboxed, like you're using an <iframe>. But they're not, which is cack. Plus they don't accept universal styles (set using *) when you want them to.

The identifiers used in Cress components handle styles not leaking out to other elements (think Vue's implementation). To stop styles leaking in, you have the option of resetting them with the reset config option:

new Cress('.test', {
  reset: true, // ← added line
  props: {
    color: 'red'
  css(props) {
    return `
      this button {
        color: ${props.color};

All this does is prepend the parsed CSS with the following:

[data-i="Cress-wi5xdkbb9"] * { 
  all: initial 

And that's all you need, probably.

Getting started

Cress is just a little ES module, exporting a constructor. You import it like so:

import { Cress } from './path/to/Cress.js';

Then you can start creating Cress components. Note the new keyword. Here's a very basic example (only the css() method of the config object (the second argument) is required):

import { Cress } from './path/to/Cress.js';

new Cress('.my-selector', {
  css() {
    return `
      this {
        font-family: cursive;

Of course, you can organize your Cress components into their own module files if you want. This is what MyComponent.js might look like:

import { Cress } from './path/to/Cress.js';

const MyComponent = new Cress('.my-selector', {
  css() {
    return `
      this {
        font-family: cursive;

export { MyComponent };

Config API

The second argument to each constructor call in the config object. Following are all the currently supported properties.

css() (Function; required)

This is where you write your component's CSS. If you are using a props property, you can pass them in using the function's/method's only argument:

css(props) {
  return `
    this button {
      color: ${props.color};

props (Object)

See Props. This object defines the default values for each of your props. These values are overridden by providing attributes following the pattern data-cress-[prop name]. So, for example, my props object might initialize the width property:

props: {
  width: '50%'

To override the 50% value with 30%, I'd have to attribute my component instance with data-cress-width="30%". It would be perfectly acceptable to use a calc() function instead: data-cress-width="calc(30% + 1rem)". It's just CSS, captured in a string, in an attribute value.

The component's MutationObserver only observes changes to attributes listed in the props object.

this (String)

By default, the word ”this” represents the current element/parent. You may wish to use a different identifier; perhaps one that is less likely to appear elsewhere in your CSS. You could just use a character you're sure your CSS won't contain:

this: '±'

Then you'd have to write your css method something like this:

css() {
  return `
    ± button {
      color: red;

resize() (Function)

As described under Container queries too??, you can use container queries with your Cress components. The only argument to the resize() method is the ResizeObserver entry for the Cress component node. See the following example for how to access some key properties.

resize(observed) {
  console.log(observed.contentReact.width) // the width, in pixels, of the node
  console.log(observed.contentReact.height) // the height, in pixels, of the node
  console.log(observed.target) // the node itself

reset (Boolean)

To remove all styles that would be inherited or otherwise applied to nodes and their children, just use:

reset: true

As described in What about Shadow DOM? Isn't that what everyone wants?, this applies all: initial to the main/parent node and all the descendants it contains. The CSS you write using your css method is then applied over a clean slate.