A go program that relies on back-end ffmpeg to process video-related content
You can download the corresponding v-go binaries via releases
Installing Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Installing ffmepg using brew
brew install ffmpeg
Verify ffmepg
ffmpeg -h
you can use install.ffmpeg.sh for simple Installation of ffmepg
cd <YOUR install.ffmpeg.sh PATH>
chmod +x install.ffmpeg.sh
sudo ./install.ffmpeg.sh
This step can option
mv <YOUR v-go PATH> /usr/local/bin
Show Video Base Info
Compression video
compress videos according to the YouTube video specification
v-go compress -p <YOUR VIDEO LOCAL PATH>
More information
v-go --help
- Delogo clear video logo
- convert video