Minishell Project Readme


Welcome to the Minishell project! This project is part of the 42 school curriculum, designed to help you understand and implement a basic shell. In Minishell, you will create a simplified shell that can interpret and execute basic commands.

Project Objectives

The main objectives of the Minishell project are as follows:

  1. Command Line: Implement a command line that can read and interpret user input.

  2. Built-in Commands: Implement built-in commands such as echo, cd, pwd, export, unset, exit and env.

  3. Executable Commands: Implement the ability to execute external commands.

  4. Redirection and Pipes: Support input/output redirection and pipes.

  5. Environment Variables: Implement the ability to set and use environment variables.

  6. Error Handling: Properly handle errors, such as command not found or incorrect command syntax.


To use the Minishell program, follow the format below:


This will launch the Minishell program, and you can then enter commands interactively.


$ echo "Hello, Minishell!"
Hello, Minishell!

Supported Commands

Minishell supports various built-in commands and external commands. Here are some examples:

  • echo: Display a message or the value of a variable.
  • cd: Change the current directory.
  • pwd: Print the current working directory.
  • env: Display the environment variables.
  • export: Display or add the environment variables.
  • unset: Remove the environment variables.
  • External commands: Execute external programs.

It also supports basic signals like ctrl-C, ctrl-\ and ctrl-D.

Building and Running

To build the Minishell program, use the provided Makefile:


This will generate the minishell executable.


Here are some resources that may be helpful for completing the Minishell project: