PHP like JS

In this mini library i wrote help classes with naive but helpful implementations to make php more pleasant and understandable for me. I love JS, but don't like PHP for many reasons. And one of them is a confusing and inconsistent syntax. So, i decided to make my life easier and wrote these classes to use them in my job.

Benefits of these classes for me:

I can use chaining to process data in arrays

Like this:

$array = [1, 2, 3, 4];
$newArray = (new JSArray)
  ->filter(function($item) {
    return $item % 2 === 0;
  ->map(function($item) {
    return $item * 2;

I use the function signature as in the documentation for the javascript

For example, if i want to iterate array using array_map, i can't get index of the array and the processed array. Now i can. And a callback function has the same signature in the rest of the class methods.

Easier to work with associative arrays

I don't understand why in php there two way to declare associative array.
First way:

$assocArray = (object) array(
  'one' => 1;
print_r($assocArray->one) // 1

Second way:

$assocArray = array(
  'one' => 1
print_r($assocArray['one']) // 1

I like the second way better because i can do this $assocArray[$var . $var2]. And often these two methods are mixed in one response from api. For example:

$result = json_decode($apiResponse);
// then result is equal to this
stdClass Object
  [name] => tisha
  [age] => 12
  [params] => Array
      [character] => good
      [legs] => 4
      [colors] => Array
          [0] => black
          [1] => white
// get access to colors
$colors = $result->params['colors'];

This class has a method that recursively converts this into an associative array.

Easier to work with UTF-8 encoded strings

PHP doesn't use utf-8 charset by default. And working with multibyte string in PHP is pain. You need use functions with mb_ prefix, set charset manually etc.