Download directories from community dragon's cdn
Your urls must end in a "/" you should just copy and paste your urls into the command line
You can either download and run a prebuilt binary from the releases tab or install the package via npmjs.
If you want to install this package without npmjs, please read the documentation here.
> npm i cdragon-dd # install the package for your current project
> npm i cdragon-dd -g # install the package as a global CLI tool
> cd-dd <url> [...flags]
Download all the files in the directory (URL).
> cd-dd
Download all the files in the directory (URL) and its subdirectories (recursive).
> cd-dd -r
Download all the files in the directory (URL) and its subdirectories (recursive) into the local directory ./data
> cd-dd -o ./data -r
Download all the files in the directory (URL) and don't cache results.
> cd-dd -k replace -r
> cd-dd -k nothing -r
Usage: cd-dd [options] <URL>
URL URL starting with https://
-o, --output <output> Output directory location. Default is ./out
-r, --recursive Recursively download directory and files
-k, --keep-files [mode] Keep files if they already exist in the output directory (choices: "all", "replace", "nothing", default: "all")
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
When the keep-files flag is set to "all" or "replace", a .cddd
file will be created in every downloaded directory which holds a compressed version of the downloaded files which can identify whether a the current version of the file was already downloaded or not.
If the keep-files flag is set to "all", existing valid files not be downloaded nor replaced.
If the keep-files flag is set to "replace" existing files are downloaded and replaced and a .cddd cache file will be created but ignored.
In the keep-files "nothing" mode, the .cddd flag is not created. Use this mode only if you are sure you are not going to download the same data twice at any point.