
Generate simple id and champion JSON files for league of legends champions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Alternatively you can use: this which serves files already generated by this small nodejs application and in the future will have more, if you have any requests ping me on the Riot API Dev Community and ping me @Ray.#8080 with the request.


A small nodejs application which generates multiple files which contain champions ids and their respective ids for each locale, 2 folders will be generated champions and ids which contains files such as champions-en_gb.json for the champions folder and ids-en_gb.json for the ids folder, the champions folder will have champion names as keys and the champion ids as values and vice versa for the id files.

An example for the champions-en_gb.json file would be:


and an example for the ids-en_gb.json file would be:

    "Twisted Fate":4

This small app pulls data from Community Dragon for information such as the champions for the current patch, so every time it is ran it generates new files or replaces the old one with more up to date ones.

Both the champions and ids folders and file names can be configured by the user on lines 38 to 41 in champions.js


To run this app you need nodejs.

First clone this repo with:

git clone https://github.com/RayZz-/lol-champions.git

then navigate to the directory then run:

NPM start

from the directory