##Intro grunt-react-seajs is a plugin to translate component (eg.react component) to a seajs module.
Use npm install grunt-react-seajs
to install.
Then add this line to your project's Gruntfile.js gruntfile:
grunt-react-seajs has a independent config file. You can change the config_file item in options to designated config file.
##Configuration Example
react_seajs: {
default_options: {
config_file: "./grs_config.json"
The independent config file example:
"merge": [
"file": [
"target": "./test/build/build.js"
"single": [
"target": "./test/build/",
"file": ["./test/components/*C.js"]
is a array include files you want to merge
is a array include files you just want to translate and move
feature I will create more options to choose.