
A Flutter app that allows users to input a location (city name, address, or coordinates) and displays it on a map with a marker. The app supports basic location input, map rendering using OSM, and includes optional features like switching between map types and detecting the user's current location.

Primary LanguageMakefile

Location-Based Flutter App


This Flutter app allows users to input a location (city name, address, or coordinates) and displays it on a map. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate my ability to handle user input, integrate maps, and follow best coding practices in Flutter.


  1. Location Input Screen:

    • A simple interface where users can input a location.
    • Basic validation ensures that the input is not left empty.
    • A button directs the user to the map display screen.
  2. Location Display on Map:

    • Displays the entered location with a marker on a map.
    • Integrates a Flutter package to handle map rendering (e.g., flutter_map or google_maps_flutter).
    • Optionally, the user can switch between map types (satellite, terrain, etc.).
    • Includes error handling for invalid locations or connection issues.
  3. Bonus Features:

    • Option to detect and display the user’s current location with a marker.
    • Toggle between different map types for better user experience.

App Structure

  • First Screen:

    • A text field for location input, with validation and error messages for empty fields.
    • A button to proceed to the next screen after valid input.
  • Second Screen:

    • Loads a map using the input location from the first screen.
    • Displays a marker on the map at the location entered.
    • Optional: Button to switch between map types (satellite, terrain, normal).
    • Optional: Button to detect and display the user's current location.


Location Input Screen Display Any Location on Map Display Current Location on Map



How to Run the App


  • Flutter SDK installed on your system.
  • A map API key if using a map provider like Google Maps (for google_maps_flutter).
  • An emulator or connected physical device to test the app.

Steps to Run:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/HiBorn4/Reside_Locator.git
    cd Reside_Locator
  2. Install Dependencies: Run the following command in the project directory to fetch all necessary packages:

    flutter pub get
  3. Run the App: Launch the app on an emulator or a physical device:

    flutter run

Optional Features:

  • To enable the bonus features (switch map types, detect current location), make sure the device or emulator has location services enabled.

Code Quality and Best Practices

  • Modular Code: The code is separated into different files for better maintainability (e.g., screens, services, and widgets).
  • Comments: Relevant comments are added to explain key functions, classes, and logic.
  • State Management: Basic state management is used to manage user input and location rendering.
  • Error Handling: Graceful handling of errors like invalid locations, empty input fields, and API errors.

Packages Used

  • flutter_map : For map rendering and interaction.
  • geolocator: For detecting the user’s current location (optional).
  • provider and setState: For state management (optional, depending on implementation).

Future Improvements

  • Enhance error handling for network-related issues.
  • Allow users to save and revisit locations.
  • Implement reverse geocoding for better user experience.


This app demonstrates my understanding of Flutter development, including UI design, state management, and third-party package integration. I am confident in my ability to adapt to different Flutter challenges and build scalable, maintainable applications.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification.