Pinned Repositories
Enhancing robustness of the (A)Leo protocol, debugging to identify and resolve vulnerabilities, ensuring system integrity and reliability.
Bulding an NFT facory on Aleo Protocol, to make anyone being able to create an NFT easily, fast and frictionless.
Builded a privite stablecoin on Aleo protocol. From the Token minting, Private redemptions, KYC, Public asset freezing, pausing and program upgrades, and Program interactions
Creating, calculating and proposing a Ethereum GDP (Gross Decentralised Product) method
1st AI Prize: DeDoctor is a revolutionary solution that employs federative learning learning within hospitalswithin hospitals, aggregates scardiovascular disease data to then provide accurate diagnoses and recommendations, and has the potential to do chain abstraction.
Enhance onboarding experience for new Sygma Protocol users by making it more user-friendly and intuitive. Simplifying interactions and enhancing understanding through improved UI/UX and clear guidance.
Hackathon HEC Paris: EduTOz is an educative platform designed to address this Tezos learning process by offering a comprehensive learning experience and incentivizing community participation.
NLP Project: Text Analysis of a French Radio Broadcasts. NLP with Python: spaCy, pandas, matplotlib to uncover insights from a radio broadcasts, for data-driven decision-making. From data cleaning to deep linguistic insights
SuiShare: EPFL SUI Hackathon: is a convenient and reliable instrument designed to assist friends, couples, and business partners in sharing common payments, all powered by the Sui blockchain.
University Credits tokenazitation: Public good on-chain for global learning certification (ETH Global Istanbul 2023 Submission: prized). For university credits issued tokens and for less wealthy schools claiming an NFT for students evaluated succesfully.
HiCarC's Repositories
1st AI Prize: DeDoctor is a revolutionary solution that employs federative learning learning within hospitalswithin hospitals, aggregates scardiovascular disease data to then provide accurate diagnoses and recommendations, and has the potential to do chain abstraction.
Enhancing robustness of the (A)Leo protocol, debugging to identify and resolve vulnerabilities, ensuring system integrity and reliability.
Bulding an NFT facory on Aleo Protocol, to make anyone being able to create an NFT easily, fast and frictionless.
Builded a privite stablecoin on Aleo protocol. From the Token minting, Private redemptions, KYC, Public asset freezing, pausing and program upgrades, and Program interactions
Creating, calculating and proposing a Ethereum GDP (Gross Decentralised Product) method
Enhance onboarding experience for new Sygma Protocol users by making it more user-friendly and intuitive. Simplifying interactions and enhancing understanding through improved UI/UX and clear guidance.
Hackathon HEC Paris: EduTOz is an educative platform designed to address this Tezos learning process by offering a comprehensive learning experience and incentivizing community participation.
Machine learning practical application, using Python to implement algorithms and methodologies for real-world data analysis, with comprehensive resources and online tools.
NLP Project: Text Analysis of a French Radio Broadcasts. NLP with Python: spaCy, pandas, matplotlib to uncover insights from a radio broadcasts, for data-driven decision-making. From data cleaning to deep linguistic insights
SuiShare: EPFL SUI Hackathon: is a convenient and reliable instrument designed to assist friends, couples, and business partners in sharing common payments, all powered by the Sui blockchain.
University Credits tokenazitation: Public good on-chain for global learning certification (ETH Global Istanbul 2023 Submission: prized). For university credits issued tokens and for less wealthy schools claiming an NFT for students evaluated succesfully.
Aleo SDK, developer framework to simplify new account creation, craft a transaction, and broadcast it to the network.
Stablecoins analysis
Custom sygma (protocol) react hooks on using sygma SDK. Implement a custom React hook to fetch Ethereum token transfer details using the Sygma SDK and ethers.js, handling state for transfers, loading status, and errors.
Radix first discovery test with a vote sistem