COVA automates the optimization of convolutional neural networks deployed to the edge for video analytics.
Quickstart • Basic Usage • Installation • How Does It Work? • The COVA pipeline
COVA (Contextually Optimized Video Analytics) is a framework aimed at automating the process of model specialization for edge video analytics. It provides a series of structures and tools to assist in the rapid deployment of CNN models for video analytics in edge cloud locations. It automates every step of the pipeline, from the creation of the dataset using images from the edge cameras, the tuning of a generic model, all the way to the deployment of the specialized model.
To start, COVA requires three key components: one edge model (i.e., the model to specialize), one groundtruth model (i.e., the model whose knowledge will be distilled into the edge model), and a video stream from a fixed camera (either from a live camera or previously recorded footage). Then, COVA generates a training dataset using the input stream and the annotations proposed by the groundtruth model. Finally, the edge model is trained using the generated dataset. Consequently, the resulting edge model is specialized for the specifics of the edge camera.
Keep in mind that COVA assumes that the groundtruth model has been trained on the classes we want the edge model to detect, although more than one groundtruth model can be used for this purpose. That is, COVA does not generate new knowledge but distills part of the groundtruth's model knowledge into the specialized edge model.
COVA implements a series of techniques together that work best when used on images from static cameras. Nonetheless, the pipeline is fully customizable and each step can be extended independently. For more detailed information, please read Documentation section.
COVA executes a pipeline defined in a json config file. A working example can be found under examples/config.template.json
To start specializing with COVA, simply pass the path to the configuration file with the following command:
foo@bar:~$ edge_autotune config.json
To show the command-line help:
foo@bar:~$ edge_autotune --help
usage: edge_autotune [-h] config
This program runs a COVA pipeline defined in a json-like config file.
positional arguments:
config Path to the configuration file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The most recent code can be installed from the source on GitHub with:
python -m pip install git+
For developers, the repository can be cloned from GitHub and installed in editable mode with:
git clone
cd cova-tuner
python -m pip install -e .
COVA works with Python >=3.6 and uses the following packages:
- tensorflow>=2.4.1
- opencv-python
- Pillow>=8.1.1
- numpy
- pandas
- flask
- flask-restful
CUDA is not a requirement to run. However, for the fine-tuning step, it is recommended to use a machine with a GPU installed and CUDA support.
- Download edge and groundtruth model's checkpoint from Tensorflow Model Zoo. There is no restriction in what models to use. However, we have used the following models in our experiments:
Edge: MobileNet V2 320x320
Reference: EfficientDet D2 768x768
COVA is composed of multiple modules implementing different ideas and approaches. This project is the result of an thorough exploration to optimize video analytics in the context of resource-constrained edge nodes. However, two ideas stand out from the rest and are based on the assumption of static cameras:
- Overfitting the context (model specialization)
- The scene does not move, but interesting objects do (motion detection).
When working with static cameras, it is common for the scene to be mostly static (sic.). The first implication of this is the realization that new objects do not enter the scene every frame. If nothing new enters the scene, we can safely assume that there is nothing new to be detected. Therefore, inferences (either by the edge model while deployed or by the groundtruth model during annotation) are halted if no new objects are detected. This technique has been extensively used in several previous works to save computation for whenever new objects are detected. However, this only optimizes the amount of work but not the quality of the work.
The key contribution of COVA is that it takes this observation and uses it to improve the prediction results on different key parts of the pipeline: annotation (groundtruth model further improves the quality of the resulting training dataset), deployment (specialized model is tuned for the specific context of the camera where it is deployed).
We define the context of a camera as the set of characteristics (environmental, or technical) that have a say in the composition of the scene and will ultimately impact the model's accuracy. These are all characteristics that do not change over time or, if they do, do not change short-term. Otherwise, they would not be part of the context but another feature.
For example, location (images from a highway will have different composition than images captured at a mall), the type of objects seen (a camera in a Formula 1 circuit will certainly get to see more exclusive cars than a camera installed at a regular toll), focal distance (how big or small objects are with respect to the background), and even height at which the camera is installed (are objects seen from above, ground-level, or below?). These are all characteristics considered to be part of a camera's context, as they all conform the composition of the scene and the way the model experiences the scene.
Deep Neural Networks have proven to be highly capable of generalizing predictions to previously unseen environments. However, there is a direct relationship between the level of generalitzation and the computational complexity of a model. Therefore, there is a trade-off to be made when choosing what model to deploy. Unfortunately, we should assume that resources in Edge Cloud locations are scarce and the compute installed in such locations is often insufficient to execute state-of-the-art DNN's.
Generalization is a desirable property on deployed models for two reasons (or one implying the other). First, we can expect better inference results from generalistic models, as they manage to successfully detect objects that were not seen during training. This enables the same model to be used in plenty different scenes. However, this goes beyond results, as it means that generalistic models can be deployed to multiple scenes without new training. A proper training is extremely costly. Training on new problems requires a set of curated images that are also properly annotated, which is an effort that requires time and money. Moreover, training a model from scratch requires expensive hardware and plenty of training hours.
We can break the aforementioned problems down into the following sequence of sub-problems:
- Generalization desirable as it makes deployments easier but computationally expensive.
- Specialization requires new training.
- New training requires a representative and fully annotated set of training images.
- Annotation is expensive, in time and money.
COVA is devised as a means of automating the creation of an annotated training dataset and the subsequent fine-tuning phase. By assuming a static scene, COVA applies a series of techniques that boost the quality of the training dataset, and therefore the quality of the deployed model. All this withouth increasing the cost of the resulting deployed model in the slightest.
In a nutshell, COVA solves the previous problem as follows:
- Specialization is the goal. A simpler model can be effectively used, as the scope of the problem is narrowed down to the context of a single camera.
- Dataset creation is automated:
- representativeness is assumed, as we only consider images from the same camera where the model will be later deploye.
- annotation is obtained through a form of active learning in which the oracle is replaced by a state-of-the-art DNN running in a hardware-accelerated server node.
- Both representativeness and annotation are by assuming static cameras (which allows us to simple motion detection techniques details).
Static cameras are usually placed meters away from the objects of interest with the intention of capturing a wide area. Therefore, objects appear small. This has two implications: first, objects of interest occupy a small part of the scene, which means that most of the frame will have little to no interest but still will be processed by the neural network hoping to find something (only increasing chances of False Positives). Second, smaller objects are more difficult to be correctly detected by neural networks. Furthermore, FullHD (1920x1080 pixels) or even 4K resolutions (3840x2160 pixels) are already common for edge cameras, while 300x300 is a common input resolution used by edge models. Therefore, image gets compressed 23 to 46 times before being passed to the neural network. With it, smaller objects are at risk of becoming just a few indistinguishable pixels.
Thanks to region proposal based on motion detection, we are able to focus the attention of the groundtruth model on those parts of the frame that really matter.
After we obtain a background for the scene, we can easily compute the difference between the background and the latest decoded frame to detect motion (left), previously converted to grayscale. Then, we translate the image to grayscale. Then, we compute the delta
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As a result, we obtain the following regions of interest:
![]() |
Objects detected by an off-the-shelf edge model. Left: the input of the neural network is the bounding box containing all detected moving objects. Right: traditional approach, i.e. full frame is passed as input to the neural network.
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We can observe how using the regions proposed by the motion detection algorithm boosts accuracy of the model without any further training. For example, on a closer look at the detections of the previous scene:
Metric | Motion (left) | Full frame (right) |
Average confidence | ||
Top1 car detections (% of frames) | 89% | 16% |
Most Top1 detected class | car (avg. score 76%) | person (avg. score 46%) |
Moreover, we observe how a small square in the background is consitently and mistakenly detected as a car (avg. score 26%).
These numbers highlight the incapacity of the edge model, with an input size of 300x300x3, to distinguish objects that represent only a small portion of the total frame. Thanks to the region proposal using motion detection, the edge model does not only boost its confidence on its detections but also dramatically reduce its error rate.
COVA works by executing a user-defined pipeline. Each stage of the pipeline is, ideally, independent from the others. Pipeline stages are implemented using a plugin architecture to makes it easy to extend or modify the default behaviour.
By default, COVA defines the following pipeline:
Therefore, it expects the following stages to be defined in the configuration file.
- Capture. This stage is retrieves images. Usually from a video or stream but can be extended to use other methods, such as images from disk. It is expected to return the next image to process.
- Filter. This stage filters the images captured. For example, perform motion detection on the captured images to filter static frames out. It is expected to return a list of images.
- Annotate. This stage annotates the images filtered. It is expected to return a path to the list of annotations.
- Dataset. This stage creates the dataset. By default, the dataset is generated in TFRecord format. It is expected to return the path where the dataset was stored.
- Train. This stage starts training using the dataset generated at the previous stage. It is expected to return the path where the artifacts of the trained model were stored.
The pipeline, as the sequence of stages, is defined in the COVAPipeline class. This class can be inherited to re-defined the default pipeline. Each stage must inherit its corresponding abstract class.
The default plugins can be found in src/edge_autotune/pipeline/plugins/
. However, the config file allows to pass the path where the plugin for a specific stage can be found.
All parameters of every plugin can be defined in the configuration file.
Does nothing but return an 100x100x3 matrix filled with zeros.
Captures images using OpenCV's VideoCapture class.
- stream (str). Path or url of the stream from which images are captured.
- frameskip (int). Frames to skip between frame and frame. Defaults to 0.
- resize (Tuple[int,int]). Resize captured images to specific resolution. Defaults to None (images not resized).
Does nothing. Always return input inside a list without any filtering.
Filters static frames out. Performs motion detection on the input images. If motion is detected, returns the input image in a list. Otherwise, returns an empty list.
- warmup (int). Number of frames used to warmup the motion detector to build its background model.
Does nothing.
Uses Amazon Web Services for the annotation process. Images are uploaded to S3 and annotated using a BatchTransform job in AWS SageMaker.
aws_config (dict). Contains the configuration required to use AWS' SageMaker service. The dictionary is expected to contain the following information:
- role: Required.
- instance_type: ml.m4.xlarge
- instance_count: 1
- max_concurrent_transforms: 4
- content_type: image/png
- region: eu-west-1
- model_name: yolov3
- endpoint_name: {model_name}-gt-endpoint
s3_config (dict). Contains the configuration required to use S3. The dictionary is expected to contain the following information:
- bucket: Required
- prefix: Required
- images_prefix: {prefix}/images
- annotations_prefix: {prefix}/annotations
Uses the built-in annotation API
Uses AWS SageMaker to create the dataset in TFRecord format.
- aws_config (dict). Contains the configuration required to use AWS' SageMaker service.
The dictionary is expected to contain the following information:
- role: Required.
- ecr_image: Required
- instance_type: ml.m4.xlarge
- s3_config (dict). Contains the configuration required to use S3.
The dictionary is expected to contain the following information:
- bucket: Required
- prefix: Required
- dataset_config (dict). Contains the configuration required to use S3.
The dictionary is expected to contain the following information:
- dataset_name: Required
Does nothing.
Uses AWS SageMaker to train an object detection model.
Uses TensorFlow's Object Detection API to train a model locally. Parameters:
- config (dict). Contains the configuration required to use AWS' SageMaker service.
The dictionary is expected to contain the following information:
- role: Required.
If you use COVA for your research please cite our preprint:
Rivas, Daniel, Francesc Guim, Jordà Polo, Pubudu M. Silva, Josep Ll Berral, and David Carrera. “Towards Automatic Model Specialization for Edge Video Analytics.” ArXiv:2104.06826 [Cs, Eess], December 13, 2021.