
(Mirror) Completion source for nvim-cmp using Vlime for Common Lisp completions.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Completion source for nvim-cmp which uses Vlime for completion candidates.

Screenshot of Neovim showing a piece of Common Lisp code being completed; the completions are shown in a floating window and next to the completions there is a floating window showing the documentation for the currently selected item.


Install this like any other plugin. The source will be automatically registered for use with nvim-cmp, but you still have to reference it in your configuration. Example:

require('cmp').setup.filetype({'lisp'}, {
    sources = {
        {name = 'vlime'}

For more information please refer to the documentation.


Licensed under the terms of the MIT (Expat) license. Please refer to the LICENSE file for more information.