A Human Activity Recognition Library and Demo on Android Platform.
The process of HAR as below diagram:
.------------. .--------------. .------------.
Sensor | | | | | |activity
Event | SensorData |RawData | Data |Instance| Classifier |(walking, sitting...etc)
-------> | Collector |------->| Preprocessor |------->| |------->
| | | | | |
'------------' '--------------' '------------'
Collect a period of time of accelerometer sensor data on android phone. Then input an array of RawData into DataPreprocessor.
This process will extract features from the array of RawData, and then trans these feature into Weka's class - Instance, which can pass to Classifier.
Classifier will process the Instance, then give an classify result. The Classifier will import the mode file on initial phase, which was trained and created on Weka desktop version. The default Classifier use Decision Tree J48 algorithm, it has pretty good performance. If you need to try another algorithm, you can pass the path of your classifier model file as parameter into the constructor of HumanActivityRecognizer.
you can download lastest library at release page And then add these to you build.gradle
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
compile(name: 'HARLib-release', ext: 'aar')
compile(name: 'WekaAndroid-release', ext: 'aar')
The Usage of HARLib is easy, You can simply create instance of this class and call start() method, then will get recognition result in listener.
HumanActivityRecognizer mHAR;
private void initHAR() {
mHAR = new HumanActivityRecognizer(context, true, HarMode.CLASSIFY, mHarDataListener);
private HarDataListener mHarDataListener = new HarDataListener() {
public void onHarDataChange(HumanActivity ha) {
// recognition result
public void onHarRawDataChange(List<RawData> rawDataList) {
// raw sensor data
This is an demo project for HARLib, you can down app here