
Simple application for Social Policy students using Firebase and Flutter.

Primary LanguageDart

Political App

Simple application for Social Policy students using Firebase and Flutter.

Packages and Information

The application has recent news, articles, youtube videos from a given playlist and votes from Senators and Deputies of the Brazilian congress.


  • cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2
  • firebase_auth: ^0.14.0
  • cloud_firestore: ^0.12.9
  • firebase_storage: ^3.0.4
  • flutter_speed_dial: ^1.2.1
  • rxdart: ^0.22.1
  • bloc_pattern: ^1.5.2
  • shimmer: ^1.0.0
  • url_launcher: ^5.1.1
  • badges: ^1.1.0
  • path_provider: ^1.1.0
  • flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.7.4
  • flutter_staggered_grid_view: ^0.3.0
  • transparent_image: ^1.0.0
  • scoped_model: ^1.0.1
  • http: ^0.12.0+4
  • dio: ^3.0.9
  • youtube_player_flutter: ^6.1.0+7
  • flutter_circular_chart: ^0.1.0
  • pie_chart: ^3.1.1
  • google_fonts: ^1.0.0
  • flutter_widget_from_html_core: ^0.3.3+4