
vim-darkplus-python3 is a color scheme for Vim with file type python.

I just make it for myself becuase I really love colors cheme of vscode named 'dark+', but colorscheme file for GVim editor was not exist.

This colorscheme made by reference from vim-python, tomasiser


Gvim / python3

Don't care about code. Just for examination

Set syntax

Defualt syntax file named python.vim in ~./vim/vim82/syntax is not contain enough 'group'. So I installed plugin, which syntax for python.

Plugin Reference :

Plugin and Applied option in _vimrc(or .vimrc in Linux)

Plugin 'vim-python/python-syntax'

let g:python_highlight_class_vars = 1 		# 'pythonClassVar'
let g:python_highlight_builtins = 1 		# 'pythonNone', 'pythonBoolean'
let g:python_highlight_func_calls = 1		# 'pythonFunctionCall'
let g:python_highlight_string_format = 1 	# 'pythonStrFormat'

Those options must have applied for using some 'group' as argument of highlight


1) Download

Plugin 'vim-python/python-syntax'
let g:python_highlight_class_vars = 1 		# 'pythonClassVar'
let g:python_highlight_builtins = 1 		# 'pythonNone', 'pythonBoolean'
let g:python_highlight_func_calls = 1		# 'pythonFunctionCall'
let g:python_highlight_string_format = 1 	# 'pythonStrFormat'

Plugin 'HibernationNo1/vim-darkplus-python3' 

check the option!!

2) Enable in _vimrc

colorscheme vim-darkplus-python3


I checked colorscheme successfully applied in those environment

OS name Version
Window 10 VIm 8.2
Linux vim 8.1