
i made sure do the work as explained, i was going to use a local SMTP docker, gmail(which i used before) stop allowing using SMTP, i have an SMTP project already

you can find it here: but in the end i used a third party provider: Mailjet but it has a limit for 200 e-mails (Free Trial)

and because the mailing process managed with a third party server, There is no need to use queue tasks (sending mail), with RabbitMQ for example, Also for caching with Redis,it's not neccecary for this specific application.

for the validation process, it's done via a link, there is a pin code yes. But i did it just using a link instead, if the user has the link he has the pin_code, And also it's better than emailing the pin_code alone.

the api can be used with different web_application, or server in another word, but the same email can be used with different website, so the email address is not unique. However, the combination server/email is unique.

composition :

in this project there is three conrainers:
    the web application : Registration API
    postgres database
    pgadmin web interface

how to use it?

1: clone the project

git clone

2: run the commands:

cd registration_api
docker-compose up -d --build

2: access the api through the browser

use the address :
where you can test the diffrent endpoints

GET : to get the user data using an email address
POST : to post the data for registration the user
DELETE : to delete the user 
GET : to validate the user 

3: access to the database using pgadmin

pgadmin can be accecible from : http://localhost:5555/

then we need to register a Server with this configuration:
    Name: [arbitrary name]
    host: host.docker.internal
    port: 6432
    maintenance databse: REG_API
    username: postgres
    password: postgres

4: How to run the tests

get the id of the registration_api-web image
>>docker ps
you will see somthing like that

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                           NAMES
b0f6497345bd   registration_api-web   "uvicorn app.main:ap…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes>8000/tcp          registration_api-web-1
385ed3a76b9c   dpage/pgadmin4         "/"         2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes   443/tcp,>80/tcp   registration_api-pgadmin-1
75464a9f01c4   postgres               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes>5432/tcp          registration_api-db-1

in this case it's b0f6497345bd

after that we need to enter to the bash of that image by
>>docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] bash
>>docker exec -it b0f6497345bd bash

after that we just need to run the tests by
>>pytest -v

project architecture

for this application i used a simple Monolothic architecture + third party SMTP

|     Rest API      | 
|      docker       |
| +---------------+ |                                     
| |   end points  | |                      
| |    Getway     | |  
| +---------------+ |
|         |         |
| +---------------+ |            +----------------+ 
| | busniss logic |--------------|  SMTP Service  | 
| |               | |            |                | 
| +---------------+ |            +----------------+ 
|         |         |
| +---------------+ |
| |   data layer  | |
| |               | | 
| +---------------+ |
|         |         |
 |   Postgres DB   | 
 |     docker      | 